Any topic, just explain what it is please
- Gaming on linux
- David Revoy Comics - artist who uses only FOSS/libre software for all his artwork
- DNDBlogs - List of TTRPG blogs curated by Sly Flourish
- NASA Image of the day
- Hackaday - Articles about cool electronics and tech that people have built
deleted by creator
Mine are:
Quanta Magazine super interesting and awesomely written articles about scientific topics.
LessWrong blog posts on a variety of topics analyzed with rationality.
Big Think articles about everything, interesting analyses.
I’m thinking of making a RSS feed generator tool and aggregator that would support OAuth for subscription based services. Just doing some research first.
FreshRSS supports HTTP authentication, and there’s an open issue for adding OAuth support.
I love a good weblog, so,, and
I also love me a good quotes blog, so
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