• Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    and life will diversify again after we’re gone.

    Here’s hoping; but that’s far from a safe assumption. The kicker about the changes we’re making to this planet is that a lot of them are positive feedback loops, so even if 100% of humans just got thanos-snapped out of existence RIGHT NOW, meaning a complete stop on fossil fuel consumption, deforestation, etc; the damage we’ve already caused will continue to get worse on its own with no further input from us.

    So how far can those feedback loops go until they’re broken naturally? They might stabilize; they might just carry on until this planet is molten.

    There will for sure be life after the last human dies, but given a few thousand more years, even the most resilient of critters could still be fucked because of us.

    • commie@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 years ago

      it seems pretty likely that microprocessors will survive us, and give a BIG jump start to any species that follows. literacy seems to be a longer shot, but still a possible stepping stone for some other organism to take over our work. my money is on fungi to figure out microprocessors. if not them, then plants, especially “weeds”. finally, ocean mammals might be able to work some of the junk we’ve made and cargo-cult themselves into the information age.

      i really am hopeful for life on earth to survive the death of Sol.