Because it was the nonpartisan debate committee keeping that shit out of it…
I’m still not sure why anyone thinks letting the two parties run the debates is a good thing.
Or why CNN is considered a good place just a few years after a conservative multibillionaire on WBs board said they bought it to make it more like Faux News.
Everything is consistently getting worse and people keep acting shocked it happens and there was no way we could have seen it coming…
I just don’t get why other people can’t seem to notice the way things are headed.
Things won’t magically stop getting shittier because we keep doing what we’ve done as it’s gotten shittier.
Yay capitalism
Yup. Have you ever watched old Civil Rights activists’s speeches or interviews? People like Madaline Murray O’Hair. The interviews were calm and seeking to understand. They were slower and less aggressive. Madeline Murray O’Hair was called “The Most Hated Woman in America,” and is responsible for many laws enforcing separation of church and state. And they were still able to conduct a better interview then.
Those old Civil Right’s interviews really showcase the regression we’ve had. It’s almost like since we had those few famous activists, we haven’t had many real ones since. Unless it’s a teen girl like Malala or Greta Thurnberg, who are cute and all, but like, where are all the adults, ya know?
You can’t find one shoe that fits everyone.
Despite people portraying MLK and Malcolm X as rivals, they were friends and knew they were working in the same direction. MLK spoke.openly about how without Malcolm showing what other options the Black community would be left with if MLK’s strategy failed, we wouldn’t have seen people side with MLK.
That’s always been the rub with peaceful protests.
They can be effective as long as the ones in power realize this is an opportunity for civil dialogue.
And unfortunately when the other option is “call them names and use cops to beat them” most of the people in power don’t pick civil dialogue.
Even Biden didn’t, he still isn’t.
That’s why if peaceful protests don’t work, we see fucking riots.
It’s not a tantrum, it’s the last available option for change.
People can say rioting doesn’t get you what you want, but when the dust settles and the next issue arises, you try civil protest again, if met with abuse from police instead of discourse from those in power, you riot.
Eventually the people in charge will hopefully start to think civil discourse might work out better than another riot that pisses of business owners who are usually political donors.
Ironically enough, what would work better these days is a boycott.
Not an easy one where we got to a different fast food place or buy different brands.
Just millions of Americans saying they’re no longer spending anything that’s not necessary. Fuck with corporate profits, and corporate sponsored politicians will start to listen.
Hit em in the pocket books.
People are not scared enough of this.
They should just have the candidates endorse products on stage.
Trump could talk about how confident he is on stage wearing the new leak-free Depends
Biden could pull up a bowl of Quaker Oats and talk about his regular bowel movements.
RFK could say he’s all good now thanks to HeartGuard+ Brain Dewormer
Well, Trump has already advertised beans from the Oval Office, so he has the experience.
Oh ya, Goya brand lol! Remember his whole family shilling that shiz for a min
We must earn profit off our democracy, that’s capitalism
Any of you watch the NBA? I usually just tune in for the playoff, but holy fucking shit. Every square inch of the screen is fucking ads. Commercial breaks every possible millisecond of stoppage.
I don’t know how anyone can watch this shit regularly.
Death of Democracy Debate, sponsored by Brawndo. Let’s go!
Probably will cut to commercial whenever it’s Biden’s turn.