If Lovecraft has taught us anythig, it’s that looking too closely into either one is a BAD idea.
yeah I wanted to write “HP Lovecraft wrote this”
Spoken like a true thalassophobian.
Thalassophobe, probably
Source is CenturiiChan.
It is much more complicated and difficult to explore the depths of the ocean than going into space, given that in space there is no need for vehicles that must withstand these enormous pressures. In space they only have to withstand an air pressure of 1 atm and not a thousand atm in the depths of the seas. A simple crack in the hull and you’re dead before you can say sh…
Made me think of this Futurama scene.
Wait till we get far enough in space.
The voids will prove harder than the oceans.
No, space is hard because of radiation and great distances, but a hole in the hull of the ship, for example due to a micro meteorite, can even be covered with a piece of duct tape. A hole in the hull of a submarine however is a catastrophe, if it does not directly cause the hull to implode, the water that enters has enough pressure to cut you in two.
The current “space” we go into, tends to have a tinny amount of atmosphere. (1.322×10-11 Pa according to some random top result on Google)
So if you want to keep inside conditions at around 1 atm for a human to stay, that’s all the difference you need to keep, and a duct tape might work.But the void I refer to, is very different.
Think:- Vaporising metals
- Theoretical quantum bubble formation
Normal spacecrafts made for “space”, might even have their outer surface constantly being diffused in the void.
Disclaimer: I’m not a space nerd. The above is just speculation
fr are these oceanographers just trying to wake The Old Ones or what? Ain’t nobody got time for that shit.
How’s Dagon these days? Haven’t heard from him since that whole Innsmouth incident.
Is Nadeau the opposite of Cousteau?
That or the opposite of Zeneau.
“We know more about space than the oceans”
Bitch the stars are out in the open. All you have to do is look up. We’ve been doing it since the dawn of civilization.
Sorry, I hear that factoid too much from people don’t know better.
Da moon way cooler tho.
Also brighter