Humans are like this. In many cases an “asshole” is a human who had adapted to a more dangerous environment, at the cost of their pleasantness.
sounds like an excuse ngl
Spoken like a round leaf.
An entire book that disagrees with you:
Intense way of the humans
Most cringe shit I read today
It’s true?
Humans who have never experienced violence are less likely to be
Seriously? That’s cool as hell.
Then we are over here like rips the whole leaf and stem from the tree
*holly switches genes and grows a gun*
M E C H A 🤖 I L E X
Strip leaves again. I dare ya. I double dog dare ya. Strip leaves one more god damned time!
Gotta deck those halls with somethin’
This is fascinating, but can you quickly explain the title you gave this? @[email protected]
It’s crazy poetic and I’m wondering if you’re referencing anything?
It’s a possible Pleistocene adaptation iirc + Lots of implications for why it tried to crawl up a tree and get animals to fuck off.
Awesome read. Thank you.
A pleasure to share. :)
progamer move
Nah mate those are just bite marks.