We’ll be gone a long time before that.
A bitchy trampoline might invite some ultra wealthy aliens to watch it burn, though.
Is that a doctor who reference?
Moisturize me!
You’re lucky, that was the only non 1976 doctor who episode I watched
Why would S1E2 of Doctor Who (2005) be the only episode you watched? That seems weird to me.
But, I personally wasn’t the biggest fan of Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor. He did a fantastic job, but David Tennent had so much more energy and flare. Him and Katherine Tate’s Doctor + Companion in Season 4 was comedic genius.
I can’t speak to the last two Doctors they’ve had, but up until then, the series is simply fantastic. And, they go out of their way to pay homage to the original Doctors many times over. Probably even in ways I’ve never noticed because I’ve not watched the original Doctor Who.
Alright, it was a slight exaggeration. I watched episode 1 of the same series too.
I’d strongly recommend powering through. Though I guess you could skip season 1 if you wanted. You’d miss a few references, but IIRC, nothing major. It does get better.
Nice try sunny, but we’re on track to offing ourselves way before that.
The first time I learned about this as a wee lad, I was genuinely Concerned
And what a great funeral pire it will be.
Are there insurances for that?
Boy, do I have a book to sell ya. I tell ya what, it’s a real miracle, changed people’s lives.
Holy insurance.
Honestly I can’t wait
You won’t though.
Fuck you buddy, we’re gonna cook ourselves first!
That’ll teach ya…