It’s a recurrent theme in the history of the world you know, thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions of species killed, never to be seen again.
Others have been fairly random. GRBs sterilizing half the planet, asteroid impacts, simple microbiological species fighting for resources whilst unknowingly making their environments unlivable, etc., etc.
In this case, the writing has been on the wall for decades, completely preventable, but here we are barrelling into it head first none-the-less. Dumber indeed.
It’s a recurrent theme in the history of the world you know, thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions of species killed, never to be seen again.
No species ever lasts that long.
There have been many extinction events, and we won’t be the first “nature based extinction event” the planet has seen either.
Just one of the dumber ones.
Others have been fairly random. GRBs sterilizing half the planet, asteroid impacts, simple microbiological species fighting for resources whilst unknowingly making their environments unlivable, etc., etc.
In this case, the writing has been on the wall for decades, completely preventable, but here we are barrelling into it head first none-the-less. Dumber indeed.