Not that you didn’t already know it intellectually, but shit like this really pushes home how much of a scam Catholicism, and Christianity in general, really are. I mean they’re claiming this guy healed people? Over the internet? What’s the difference between this and those Faith healers that scam people all over the world?
I mean is this really a case where a bunch of old people think a kid is Magic because he can make the internet work?
There’s a local saint here and one of her “confirmed” miracles is that a guy with somewhat bad eyesight, but not so bad he couldn’t live a basically normal life, prayed to her and got 20/20 vision. Seriously.
Why are there all these middlemen to pray to? Why does Jesus need to delegate the power to cure mild astigmatism? Lol
‘relics linked to him’ sounds strange for a boy that died 18 years ago
The whole thing is rather strange. I assume that there are many Catholics self aware enough to know that he clearly didn’t perform any miracles but just go along with it anyway.
Wait, do we think the other saints clearly performed miracles?
We’re talking about a religion where the son of God walked on water and fed five thousand people with five fish and two loaves of bread.
I think it’s easier to buy in to the fantasy when there are several hundreds of years between you and the so-called miracle though.
You have to remember that religious people don’t use the scientific method and that they see faith as a very virtuous characteristic.
Well they believe a dude was murdered, then walked out of the grave so is anything else really too far?
Because if they don’t keep expanding the canon then the whole Catholic Cinematic Universe slowly dies out as people lose interest.
And I see miracles every day!
Catholicism is a joke
Religion is a joke
It’s not a joke when they rape kids and then cover it up.
It’s also not a joke when they tell people in communities with a significantly high number of HIV cases not to use condoms.
All that internet healing and he couldn’t save himself? Doesn’t sound saint like to me
God loved him so much he gave him a fast pass to heaven.
I liked it better when saints had to be tied upside down to a cross and flayed alive to be canonized.