Lying to coerce a child into doing something they hate could be fine. But it also could be catastrophic. The proper* parenting move is obviously to figure out why the child doesn’t like going to school, and address that.
You can either accept that as an inevitability, or try and figure out ways for your child to actually enjoy school. The latter makes you a better parent.
Bro if it gets the kid to go to school why would they care when they grow up
Lying to coerce a child into doing something they hate could be fine. But it also could be catastrophic. The proper* parenting move is obviously to figure out why the child doesn’t like going to school, and address that.
Bro its school. They are going to hate it
You can either accept that as an inevitability, or try and figure out ways for your child to actually enjoy school. The latter makes you a better parent.
Because they were lied to unnecessarily.
The parent is trading long term trust and respect in their relationship for short term compliance. That should only be done in emergencies.
Its no different from telling a kid about santa to get them to behave.
Exactly, that’s why my parents didn’t do santa with me and I’m not doing it with my kids.