I honestly can’t keep track of which ones I have or haven’t seen anymore.
Of the county of the city of the town of the country of the galaxy of the universe
Of the apes
That escalated quickly
Yes, and it’s in theaters this fall
Clearly a ripoff of the masterpiece Time of the Apes!
Bell Labs should look into this indifference!
They did. And know they know why Johnny doesn’t care. Do you care?
Tbh I’m here for it. The reboot trilogy is legitimately fantastic and beautifully realised films
… and it is not even an interesting franchise.
The first two films of the original series with Charlton Heston (and James Franciscus in the second one) are films I dearly love and have seen many times. The rest, meh.
The third in the original (Escape from the Planet of the Apes) is fricken awesome
I’m not sure if this is an obscure reference, but…
🎵 Iiiiiiffff yooooouuuuuu 🎵
*Want to take a picture of the fascinating witches who put the scintillating stitches on the britches of the boys who put the powder on the dawn of the sequel of the prequel of the reboot of the planet of the kingdom of the war of the dawn of the rise of the battle for the conquest of the escape from the planet of the apes… *
Same thought here!
Reminds me of this classic from The Onion Film Standard: https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-reviews-dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes-1819595691
And they’ll tell two friends…
That’s a Promise chain.