Often times news upsells what’s happening in their title or with vague language in the article. I’ve become instinctively skeptical of outrageous headlines.
I went and checked the text of the bill itself. Wow. It’s exactly what it says on the tin of the news article. Not even an attempt to vague it up in the bill’s language. There’s no wishy washy way to think it means anything but the biblical Ten Commandments, in straight forward language. The bill wants them posted in every classroom.
This obviously violates the Louisiana state constitution and the U.S. Constitution.
Were you unaware of the state of Louisiana or something? Idk why anyone would find this hard to believe unless they’re a little new to American politics
Often times news upsells what’s happening in their title or with vague language in the article. I’ve become instinctively skeptical of outrageous headlines.
I went and checked the text of the bill itself. Wow. It’s exactly what it says on the tin of the news article. Not even an attempt to vague it up in the bill’s language. There’s no wishy washy way to think it means anything but the biblical Ten Commandments, in straight forward language. The bill wants them posted in every classroom.
This obviously violates the Louisiana state constitution and the U.S. Constitution.
Were you unaware of the state of Louisiana or something? Idk why anyone would find this hard to believe unless they’re a little new to American politics