Alphabet’s cracking down on blocking YouTube ads - nothing works at the moment that I’ve found. So, no YouTube, cause that shit’s a dumpster fire without functional adblock. I mean, it’s a dumpster fire anyway, but it’s at least trash I can sort through.
I have Adblock and uBlock Origin on Chrome and never see YouTube ads. I assume uBlock Origin does the trick alone. (I know I should switch back to Firefox, but I’m too lazy if it’s working.)
Adblock Plus still works for me on YouTube. I click a video, and when it loads there’s a quick flash where the ad would have played then the video starts. So it looks like it’s just autoskipping them quickly without displaying anything. Not even the 5 second thing happens.
Alphabet’s cracking down on blocking YouTube ads - nothing works at the moment that I’ve found. So, no YouTube, cause that shit’s a dumpster fire without functional adblock. I mean, it’s a dumpster fire anyway, but it’s at least trash I can sort through.
Ublock origin + Firefox works and if you’re on android there’s YouTube Revanced
Thank you, I’ll give that a shot!
e: Worked, even on a Chromebook.
Unlock origin on Firefox on my devices haven’t seen an ad yet
Throw in sponsor block and you miss in video ads too. Unless the vid was released like 5 mins ago
I have Adblock and uBlock Origin on Chrome and never see YouTube ads. I assume uBlock Origin does the trick alone. (I know I should switch back to Firefox, but I’m too lazy if it’s working.)
Hah, you’re right, works in Chrome too. Thanks!
I watch youtube daily and haven’t seen an ad in I don’t know how long. I use only firefox with ublock origin for adblocking.
Adblock Plus still works for me on YouTube. I click a video, and when it loads there’s a quick flash where the ad would have played then the video starts. So it looks like it’s just autoskipping them quickly without displaying anything. Not even the 5 second thing happens.
ReVanced for me