Cable is dead. Long live the cable bundle. Curious to see the pricing and if the bundle only includes ad tiered options.
I can’t wait for 10 years from now when this all comes full circle and we start getting commercials to “ditch your streaming bundle for whatever new service.”
Hopefully you’re working on “AdamEatsAss+” although seems like you might just have some niche content if you ever make that happen.
AdamEatsAss Pro and Pro+ are only $5 and $6 a month more for over double the content.
But act now and get AdamEatsAss Basic with 5 min unskippable ads for only $4.25
I’m hoping to be fully self-hosted by then.
It will be dynamically generated movies and series. People will make their own movie/serie template and share it with others
Now it’s just cable again. What a stupid timeline.
Yeah my sp has been doing this in Canada for over a year. They bundle streaming services. It sucks but you do get a deal if you already use the ones offered. The problem is like cable, when they start to bundle bullshit services nobody wants
At least you aren’t locked into a contract and can cancel whenever you want.
For now.
I came to sarcastipost this under the parent comment, but you seem to have unironically beaten me to it.
For now.
Really you pay for convenience and legallity. Not everyone knows how to or feels comfortable pirating. With a service you know you aren’t breaking any laws and you’re not worried about quality, storage, captions, and sketchy files.
You’re definitely paying for legality and safety, but when you have to search through five different streaming apps to find that the movie you’re looking for can only be rented via yet another service, the convenience becomes debatable.
At least I know the streaming service videos will always be in English.
Apple and others have tried to fix the discovery issue. And some of the platforms tell them to fuck off. Such as Netflix. And formerly Amazon.
If you’re not aware, AppleTV will list things across many streaming services and take you right to the shows/movies in the respective apps. As long as a platform is participating. So you just browse/search in a central place.
Apple and Amazon worked out their differences a few years ago and their stuff is now part of the index.
I wonder if this bundle will change that. Currently, Netflix does not integrate with these sort of features.
Comcast used to have great voice search across pretty much every streaming service. I believe they were forced to stop.
Use or their app.
It doesn’t solve the multiple services issue, but it at least helps you find what you’re looking for.
It’s funny how hard it is for providers to get this concept. I feel we’re about to enter the cycle where we see an uptick in mainstream piracy because the price is starting to outweigh the convenience and legality.
I currently get that bundle for $0 and 0 inconvenience. So.
I am interested and have never heard these “hi sees”, could you tell me more, kind stranger?
Stremio + Torrentio has changed my life recently!
Tons of tutorials online and it’s dead simple to set up. Takes ~ 5 mins
I have some family members that have HBO and Hulu that I borrow logins for, but I never visit the apps directly anymore, it’s just not worth it when you can get all the content all in one place with no hoops to jump through
It’s gonna take a miracle to pull me back off the high seas again. Netflix was big enough to do it all those years ago, but I can’t even imagine what could do it now.
we know it’ll never happen, but if they…
- have content from most studios available indefinitely in one place - or even better, a federated platform - at no additional cost.
- drop all this drm stupidity and allow the best quality streams on any general computing device.
only then, in my view, it’d equal the convenience I have today and I wouldn’t mind paying a reasonable amount for that.
I have my doubts it will be cheaper. It’s Comcast.
I don’t think you understand how pricing works. Someone like Disney demands a high carriage fee agreement and mandates that ESPN must be in the basic cable package for all comcast subscribers, otherwise comcast doesn’t get any Disney owned TV. As a result Comcast has to charge basically 10 bucks a month to all subscribers to have ESPN, not counting the general cost breakout for other disney owned channels. Sure, comcast leases STB’s for X dollars and gets a cut of the subscription fees as well, but the point is the people that make the TV programming are the same. So it’s not magically going to make the cost of TV significantly cheaper by cutting out comcast. Comcast is the person that collects the bills, but Disney, ViacomCBS, etc, are very much involved of setting up the prices consumers pay on cable and streaming.
Edit: Also add in the risk and churn factor. With cable bundling, TV programmers had scale and predictability on their side. Basically all cable subscribers had long term subscriptions and could guarantee a high volume of subscribers to collect from. With DTC (Direct to Consumer) streaming apps, consumers can churn and temporarily subscribe for monthly intervals. That means you have less subscribers at any one time on your app and for shorter durations. Guess what that does to the revenue. So if you no longer have the economics of scale in terms of long term subscription length and volume of subscribers, the cost for individual subscribers will probably have to keep creeping up and get possibly more expensive than cable.
I don’t think you understand how greed works.
Just in time for me to get fiber installed tomorrow and ditch Comcast for good…
“StreamSaver” is such a junky name for it.
It’ll start with no adds then they’ll slowly introduce them cause “it’s unsustainable” when it’s really “we want all the moneys” not just some