Former US president Donald Trump raised eyebrows among his no-nonsense New Jersey crowd at a rally Saturday when he recited a 1963 soul song in its entirety and referenced a fictional cannibal as "great.""A tenderhearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake," Trump said, reciting -- but not singing -- the song to the crowd.
A lot of comments are questioning Trumps appeal after listening to him talk, but I think I understand why he’s appealing to his base and I think that it’s the same reason many are finding Biden a repellant: people are mired in uncertainties about their futures, their families futures and that of things they thought were tried and true (work hard, get job, get house and raise family). People like how Trump sounds certain and sure and strong, even if some of them don’t like what he’s saying. They want someone certain and sure to lead them when they’re feeling uncertain. The counter to Trump is to use reassuring and strong language for similar themes (job security, inflation, climate, housing, migrants, health). Or at least I think so, I could be wrong.