Really nice! Paint the side edges of the segments a different color and you’ll get a cool appearing color effect.
That’s such a great idea. Even better, use white filament for the the 1st layer and use another color filament for all the other layers.
The internal gearing is awesome, good stuff op
I adore the gear reveal
Wow good job, love the idea and execution
Watching it, my first thought was if it could also be used as s display for a large calculator? Guessing the computation part would require electronics, but then again, there used to be geared tabletop calculators.
Very nice work.
There were purely mechanical calculators back in the day.
They were absolutely massive.
Yes, absolutely. Just needs one motor per digit.
This is an analog clock in the style of a digital one.
It is digital because it has digits instead of pointers. It is also digital in the sense that it has discrete states.