Steam doesn’t push changelists from developer accounts, and don’t push it themselves without making a major announcement. This is why all the reporting on this has been clear AH/Sony delisted it. There are countless articles confirming this days ago.
Sony made the strange decision to delist Helldivers 2 from over 150 different countries in which the PlayStation Network isn’t supported, though we’re still not quite sure for what reason.
So this article states " Sony delisted it" with no references to official announcements. I personally have been waiting on something directly from steam or Sony and to me the steam response satisfies this enough.
That’s why I posted this I’ve seen all these articles state this with no references to any word from steam or sony. This is the first crumb of info I’ve seen direct from the source.
Do NOT trust journalists using hazy sources like job postings, replies from support, or patent claims as proof of anything. There’s plenty of places looking to generate headlines and clicks.
Sure man, this post confirms what you are saying so I’m honestly not sure what you are after. If anything it’s squashing disinformation that bothers you. Regardless I’m not going to entertain your replies further.
There was a lot of speculation and no confirmation, this is confirmation
There’s been confirmation for 7 days.
This is steamdb change list for HD2. This is a developer update.
The “speculation” was just clickbait. There are multiple articles confirming it over the last week.
The steamdb change doesn’t list the reason why, doesn’t confirm if it was a push on Sony’s or Valve’s end just that a change occurred
Steam doesn’t push changelists from developer accounts, and don’t push it themselves without making a major announcement. This is why all the reporting on this has been clear AH/Sony delisted it. There are countless articles confirming this days ago.
Article from 2 days ago
So this article states " Sony delisted it" with no references to official announcements. I personally have been waiting on something directly from steam or Sony and to me the steam response satisfies this enough.
That’s why I posted this I’ve seen all these articles state this with no references to any word from steam or sony. This is the first crumb of info I’ve seen direct from the source.
So there was no speculation, you just hoped these articles straight up lied.
According to new info, it did.
Do NOT trust journalists using hazy sources like job postings, replies from support, or patent claims as proof of anything. There’s plenty of places looking to generate headlines and clicks.
Sure man, this post confirms what you are saying so I’m honestly not sure what you are after. If anything it’s squashing disinformation that bothers you. Regardless I’m not going to entertain your replies further.