cross-posted from:
Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda
MSFT has a $3T market cap and $60B of free cash flow each year, so I doubt they’re hurting for money. This is how “growth at all costs” incentivizes myopic decision-making and doesn’t really help foster an environment where studios are willing to take creative risks. Even when they succeed (a la Hi-Fi Rush) they’re on the perpetual chopping block.
Brings me back to when EA was buying up companies just to milk them until there’s nothing left to give and then close the studios. It’s okay though. It’s not like these companies had employees with bills to pay, livelihoods, families, bills again, etc. it’s not like there are actually people behind the games we play that are struggling just as much as we are. That would be madness!
it’s not like there were awesome game series which came to exist as a passion projects that are being discontinued because people don’t like the latest titles because they were lazy cash crabs…
It’s a GOOD thing we DON’T Tax these Job CREATORS!
Fuck microsoft
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It’s only been 3 years since Microsoft acquired Bethesda, but I do wonder, if Bethesda on their own would have similarly lost their fucking minds during the pandemic, to build up developer capacity which would obviously not be needed forever.