Slightly off-topic but I really enjoyed the way Horizon Zero Dawn (spoilers ahead) illustrated the military industrial complex with Ted Faro. The dude was so convinced he was right about everything that not only did he help create the deadliest legion of machines ever conceived, he also deleted all knowledge acquired by humanity because he fucked up so bad that he thought anyone less smart than him (read:everyone else) would fuck up just as bad if not worse with the same knowledge. I imagine most real military contractors are lead by people who are similarly humble
Fuck Ted Faro
Fun fact: Lockheed uses Unity to make XR training apps and Unity used to (maybe still does I’m not sure) partner with them to help build said apps
Even more reason to ditch Unity!
It’s none of those. General Dynamics produces the humble 155mm artillery shell. It’s not flashy but artillery has killed more people than any other weapon in modern warfare.
AK-47 is pretty high up there too
But at least AKs are a symbol of liberation movements. US military equipment, not so much.
quick GIS
…Raytheon’s logo really is that loading circle
When you’re just sitting around at a wedding and the loading circle pops up you gotta find cover.
Uiih is it going to complete animating fill circle?? I’m waiting like forever here
Huh, so I looked up the top 100 arms manufacturers in the world. 41% of them are the from the US, with the entire top 5 being from the US. The next biggest are china with 8%, and the UK with 7%.
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”bUt ItS tHe fAuLt oF tHe AiRLiNe MaInTaNAnCe NoT tHe EnGiNe”
Boeing makes jdam bombs, that would put them up there.
Defense of Ukraine is a great example of how weapons can be used for good. But definitely not all that these companies do, as Gaza shows.
Russian invasion has been a goddamn goldmine to weapon manufacturers. Not only those selling to Ukraine but also got a lot of European countries to re-arm and restart domestic production.
Ukraine is ruled by a far right government along with Nazis
- The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
- Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World
- NATO is Not a Defensive Alliance
- The blueprint of regime change operations
- History of Fascism in Ukraine Part I: The Origins of the OUN 1917-1941
- History of Fascism in Ukraine Part II: The OUN during World War 2, 1941-1945
- History of Fascism in Ukraine Part III: 1944-1963 UPA War, Ratlines, and the Assassination of Stepan Bandera
- History of Fascism in Ukraine Part IV: The Global OUN Network in Exile, 1962-1992
- BBC, 2014: Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict
- Human Rights Watch, 2014: Ukraine: Unguided Rockets Killing Civilians
- Reuters, 2014: Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU
- Truthout, 2015: The Ukraine Mess That Nuland Made
- The Hill, 2017: The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda
- The Guardian, 2017: ‘I want to bring up a warrior’: Ukraine’s far-right children’s camp – video
- WaPo, 2018: The war in Ukraine is more devastating than you know
- Reuters, 2018: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
- The Nation, 2019: Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine
- Jacobin, 2022: A US-Backed, Far Right–Led Revolution in Ukraine Helped Bring Us to the Brink of War
- Consortium News, 2022: Evidence of US-Backed Coup in Kiev
- The Conversation, 2022: Ukraine war follows decades of warnings that NATO expansion into Eastern Europe could provoke Russia
What a bunch or random junk.
Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: Russian botAnother day, another BlueAnon conspiracy theorist.
- IT Pro: Cambridge Analytica models were exaggerated and ineffective, [UK Information Commissioner’s Office] claims
- Wall Street Journal: Mueller Doesn’t Find Trump Campaign Conspired With Russia
- Jacobin: Democrats and Mainstream Media Were the Real Kremlin Assets
- Washington Post: FEC fines DNC, Clinton for violating rules in funding Steele dossier
- Washington Post: Russian trolls on Twitter had little influence on 2016 voters
- Jacobin: It Turns Out Hillary Clinton, Not Russian Bots, Lost the 2016 Election
- Matt Taibbi: Move Over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, the New King of Media Fraud The Twitter Files reveal that one of the most common news sources of the Trump era was a scam, making ordinary American political conversations look like Russian spywork
- Jacobin: Why the Twitter Files Are in Fact a Big Deal On the Left, there’s been a temptation to dismiss the revelations about Twitter’s internal censorship system that have emerged from the so-called Twitter Files project. But that would be a mistake: the news is important and the details are alarming.
- MSNBC Repeats Hamilton 68 Lies 279 Times in 11 Minutes
- Jeff Gerth at Columbia Journalism Review on Russiagate: Editor’s Note | Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
- Matt Taibbi: WMD, Part II: CIA “Cooked The Intelligence” To Hide That Russia Favored Clinton, Not Trump In 2016
- Chris Hedges: Why Russiagate Won’t Go Away
Lol no
Bro the nazi shit in Ukraine has been proven untrue s very long time ago
Does that include weapons manufacturers in Russia and China?
According to them, yeah seems that way.
This has also changed significantly since 2022 since Russia has effectively stopped exporting weapons. They used to be pretty close to the US in terms of total exports
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I mean it’s a pretty academic question. Do the merchants of war drive global conflict, or are they necessary for national defense? Or is the issue more nuanced?
Russia historically makes up about half the world’s arms trade. Though that has declined in recent years due to Ukraine. So who is the chicken and who is the egg?
Fwiw, I tend to agree that arms manufacturers do play a role in driving global conflict, but it’s also clearly A responding to B and B responding to A.
Dunno about China but surely AKs being the small arms of choice for many countries, rebles, freedom fighters, terrorists and partisans of every flavour must put Kalashnikov Concern pretty high up there.
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Did you want me to say Norinco? They only have a license to make AKs but I don’t think that should count or it gets real hard to calculate what arms company did what.
Kalashnicov Concern… What?
I’d guess the US, Germany, China, and all the other many countries that produce the things.
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