I don’t personally know many programming languages that provide natural number type in their prelude or standard library.
In fact, I can only think of proof assistants, like Lean, Coq, and Agda. Obviously the designer of these languages know a reasonable amount of mathematics to make the correct choice.
0 is natural.
Source - programming languages.
*Most programming languages
We don’t talk about those kids, they’re weird. :)
I don’t personally know many programming languages that provide natural number type in their prelude or standard library.
In fact, I can only think of proof assistants, like Lean, Coq, and Agda. Obviously the designer of these languages know a reasonable amount of mathematics to make the correct choice.
(I wouldn’t expect the same from IEEE or W3C, LOL
It’s really just a joke about counting from 0 instead of 1.
Oh, array indexing, sure.