I mean, Americans know 0C is the freezing temperature of water and 100C is the boiling temperature of water, so even with that most basic information taught in like, First Grade Science, people can understand the meme.
People wearing shorts in the cold vs people wearing jackets in the heat.
I mean, Americans know 0C is the freezing temperature of water and 100C is the boiling temperature of water, so even with that most basic information taught in like, First Grade Science, people can understand the meme.
People wearing shorts in the cold vs people wearing jackets in the heat.
You overestimate the public education system in my state; especially when I was in grade school.
(I thought it was 100°F boiling and 0°F was freezing)
That’d make sense! But instead, Fahrenheit is based around the body temperature of a pig.
I’m curious where you heard that? Obviously a statement like that made me want to know more, but I’m not finding any information about it.