Mexican pesos, from the bottom up: 10, 5, 2, 1, 50 cents and probably 10 cents.
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What can you buy for one peso?
Chewing gum probably although inflation is crazy. But in general groceries are cheap.
Currently a pack of trident gum is $34mxn. So no a peso won’t get you a stick of gum. And groceries have never been more expensive. I live in a 2 person 2 pet household. Spending $1,300/week approx
Agree but in regards to the groceries I’m talking about in relation to other countries. About the gum I was thinking Chiclets.
For a Peso my best bet is getting a chicle motita, if those still exist.
Get rid of the pets. Those 1300 buy my wife and I a week and a half worth of groceries. Feels good living near a Gran Bodega.
Where do you live? Not America?
Mexican pesos are usually used in France
I was making a joke at the expense of Americans like me but couldn’t find a map with the US surrounded with water. It’s neat that pesos are used in France.
Yeah, the American dream companies trying to raise prices as much as consumers can suffer and blaming inflation on it. Thanks rural America mostly only having Walmart and maybe a local chain if your lucky 👍😅
Pesos aren’t used in France.
But I’ll give you a point for trying.I thought it was weird but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. At first I was thinking does Spain call it’s currency pesos but then I noticed you specified Mexican pesos. My mind then jumped to the conflicts that are ongoing in central America.
The US turns down tons of refugees seeking shelter and the Mexican government offers virtually no help either. I thought it was possible France took refugees like we do with certain conflicts half way across the world. Often depends on how much the general population cares and if our military is active in the area.
The American dollar is the only currency accepted in America but France being a European country would be more accustomed to accepting foreign currency if needed I assume.
All speculation but forgive me for my arrogance.
That’s what’s left after paying rent and shit and he’s doing 3 jobs. Repeat this: “I am free”
You wanna know my secret? Ass pennies. That’s right, ass pennies. You take those pennies in your pocket and shove them up your ass. One at a time, of course. Then you spend them. I’ve handed out thousands of pennies that have been up my ass. Every store in this city has used my ass pennies. You think you’re better than me? You’ve handled my ass pennies.
but the coins didnt turn into keys!!11!11
If they converted them into self custody Bitcoin then they’d have keys to their wallet!
Except the 2 dollar coin isn’t round
EDIT: Getting downvoted for no reason because people think I’m assuming everyone is US. No. There are other places in the world that uses “dollar” as a unit of currency. I live in Hong Kong, and we use Hong Kong Dollars (HKD), and our 2 dollar coins are flower-shaped.