You will own nothing, and you will smile all the time and love it. These kookie 40 year old young people and their trends.
Are you upset over this arrangement? Wow, whats wrong with you? Maybe you should go to therapy and cope better. Wouldn’t want to be a Debby downer or a negative Nancy. This is fine.
Smile real big now.
I’m sick of these articles telling me what I value. You know what I really value? Stability, security, peace of mind. I don’t want a mansion, a million Instagram followers, or a passport full of stamps, I just want a decent, relatively simple life. I just want to be happy and content.
I don’t want more things but instead I want to get rid of the things I stress about which is mostly finances related.
Agreed. I’ll take the mansion though.
Too expensive to heat/cool. Too hard to keep clean. I’d love a small apartment (with respectful neighbours or good sound insulation) with a nice south facing balcony.
You could always rent out rooms in your mansion for a fair rate.
Then you’d have to share with the riff raff :)
I like riffraff. :D
This just in: millennials buy more things they can afford than things they can’t.
Who cares about owning a home as long as you’re pretending to have enough fun to make your Instagram feed look like you’re enjoying yourself?
This feels like a plot to convince someone that living in your car is somehow a good thing lol
Wistfully realizing that the news has been social engineering me my whole life.
Forbes is trying to brainwash people into throwing away their earnings on ephemeral products like subscription based bullshit.
That’s what my Roddy Piper sunglasses translate the headline into
I found the original short story “They Live” is based on if anyone’s interested. It’s only 6 pages long.
Edit: Damn. That ending made me think.
Is 40 young?
It is if you’re an entitled boomer! You’ll still see jokes about silly millennials and their Avocado Toast even though we make up the majority of economic productivity at this point (not to knock Gen X - yall are cool… nor Gen Z - fuck man, you’ve got it even worst than we had it).
not to knock Gen X - yall are cool… nor Gen Z - fuck man, you’ve got it even worst than we had it)
You know its bad when seeing this made me happy.
On a more serious mode. Few yrs back in an office chat my boss and .myself both late gen x and the other engineer a millennial made the observation
My boss : z3k3 you and I played hard mode hrs playing on hard-core mode
It’s kind of depressing that trend isn’t changing between millennial and z
I have been cautiously optimistic in the past few years with how public perception of unions has shifted - both with general widespread support for the fight for fifteen and then the strong support for UAW.
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I think it was a part of a plot by the Big Experience industry to keep millennials spending on theme restaurants