It’s already well known at work that I don’t just not like gore videos but that I hate them and actively avoid them.

A colleague sent me a video of a man being murdered by axe via WhatsApp to my personal phone on my lunch break. Before I opened it I asked if it was a video that I would want to see (because I know what sort of character he is), he implied it was fine.

Despite my suspicion I took his word and watched it. I immediately scolded him, he then made light of the situation, I told him that it wasn’t funny and that if it ever happened again I would be making a formal complaint immediately.

A couple of minutes later, another colleague came in to the mess room, the guy that sent the video made fun of me for not liking the video in front of them. I told him that he was making fun of me and that I wasn’t ok with that.

Do I have the right to not be sent murder videos? What would an employer do if I made a complaint?

    10 months ago

    Not acceptable. I don’t know laws in the UK but that person should lose their job. Workplace harassment is a serious offense, as you are REQUIRED to be there, so your employer is required to provide you with a safe, harassment-free workplace.

    Keep evidence, keep everything, report everything, and keep doing it. Keep personal logs of who you talked to and when, what was said, even if there’s no other record. It’s possibly going to cost you your “team member” status, but that’s what the harasser is counting on. They are sadistic, and they’re going out of their way to make your life miserable and endanger your job and peace of mind.

    Show them no mercy.