If pets can travel in the cargo hold hopped up on benzos and ketamine, why can’t babies? Or me?
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I don’t get the rage that some of these comments have from seeing this meme.
It doesn’t say that anyone actually did or said anything, just that their expression dropped after seeing an infant board a plane.
People are allowed to be disappointed. I mean, I don’t think that most parents actually love hearing screaming and/or crying either. Is a (probably) brief facial expression seriously the same as hating all children, or wishing for them to dissapear to some of you guys? Jeez Louise.
I mean, normally I wouldn’t give a hoot either way. Kids on the plane, no kids on the plane, whatever. If I had a migraine that day though, yeah, I wouldn’t be thrilled. I wouldn’t be upset at anyone for the noise in the slightest, but I also wouldn’t be joyful about it.
Are we certain that that’s the actual contect of the picture, or did someone just say it was? Is this the accurate, OG text on the picture? Did any one of those people actually say or do anything beyond a facial expression when seeing very small children board the plane?
Some of you guys need to take a deep breath and just relax. I’m referring to both extremes with this.
It’s because they themselves have kids lol
For real. Ill never understand when people are like “having children is the best thing you can do”. Like hell nah!
Makes me think that a lot of these people are pissed off that those who can’t afford or just don’t give a shit about being sentenced to parenthood for life won’t have anyone to exploit when their kids grow up. Also misery loves company. People get really angry when they realize their life didn’t have to end that way and that they actually had a choice so to validate their mistakes they shame and try to push others who didn’t into the same so they can say “there, you see? There really isn’t any other choice”
Hard disagree. Kill all the children!
How anybody flies without noise-canceling headphones these days is beyond me.
noise-cancelling headphones don’t help with crying babies unfortunately, just hums & buzzes like the engines, HVAC system, etc.
I kind of assume people are listening to music or something with the headphones on. That does a good enough job to drown out all sounds for me. If you just put on noise-canceling headphones, turn them on, then don’t play anything… yeah… not going to be super effective at filtering out crying babies.
Overpriced. And then you need them for every member of the family :)
And they also might not work well enough
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Screaming kids are easy to ignore on most flights but I recently had one on a 14.5+ hour flight (Asia to US). Screamed 10-20 mins every 1 to 2 hours. I got 2 hours of sleep and felt as if I had the flu.
Investment in some noise-cancelling headphone would be justified. It’s a sanity-saving expense!
One thing I will say about lemmy is y’all take shit way too seriously. It’s a meme. A relatable one at that. Getting annoyed by children is normal and it’s not like anyone’s actively trying to get rid of your kids.
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I mean I agree. Personally I hate kids. But I’m not trying to get rid of them or anything like that I just avoid them as much as possible
Amen to that. It’s a joke, for my sake
Why not make an airline for people with kids and then they could deck the inside of the plane out to make it fun for kids complete with a flying tube sized playground, maybe a mini arcade, and definitely a ball pit. The pilots could even be those creepy ass animatronic creatures from Chuck-E-Cheese.
That would make people happy which is the opposite of what the airline industry wants to have happen.
Care to elaborate? Genuinely curious
“Five hours at freddys plane” revealed.
They could also make every second row smaller child’s seats and put them closer together to fit more people and children in the plane. Bonus: the parents can use the top of the kiddie seats as a footrest.
Dang that’s a big plane! 4x4??
Ugh, parents going somewhere long distance? Disgusting. You should be on house arrest until at least 18 months.
One time, my one year old niece screamed all the way from Barbados BGI to London Gatwick
I was glad of my headphones.
She was fine on the way out there though
I’m gonna be that guy in about a week, kid is 6 months. Any seasoned parents got good tips? It’s not a long flight at least, only 2h.
Edit: Thank you all, I read every one of your replies. Flight goes at 6am, but we booked a night at the airport hotel so we just have to walk across the street. Baby will be in a carrier and get the bottle during takeoff/landing. Fingers crossed.
Just keep loving them. Fuck everyone else. They’ll get over it.
To avoid the screaming ear popping, have them eat some baby food, or those teething crackers. The sucking and chewing should help pop their ears.
Child free by choice person here, though not the child hating kind.
At the end of the day, do your best. Your kid is all that matters. Focus on comfort, stuff to help with popped ears, and other soothing things that can help your baby sleep.
Seems that everyone forgets they were kids once . I mean, we were not born adults and intolerant, right?..
Except people don’t hate the babies for screaming on the plane. They blame the parents for bringing them on the plane.
This ass taking weird selfies in his first class seat looks so entitled
Please don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, and if you do, please for the love of all that might be holy, don’t do it in business and first class!
If you have to fly business with the rest of the poors that can’t afford a private jet, you don’t get to complain.
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Based and energy pilled.
People in business class or first class are almost never rich. Sky mile programs, travel credit card point programs, gaming point relationships between airlines and affiliates can make business and first quite affordable. And for when it can’t be affordable, if someone is paying for it, it’s not usually for luxury. I try to always send my wife at least business class so she is treated MUCH more as a human being than she normally has been in coach, as she is a minority and disabled. Rich people charter planes or own them. Those in business class are usually people who just plan ahead better than you. And if you’re jealous of that, then you’re a jealous piece of something.
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Were you forced to have kids at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to wait until your kid grows up a little bit and stops crying for no fucking reason. You can still travel with your toddler if you really want to, but use your own car. I don’t get the reason to take a kid this young, to travel with you, since he’s not going to remember anything anyway
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Doesn’t mean you have to fly somewhere for a simple holiday.
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Could you? Then we can find that child a better parent.
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It’s a baby, baby don’t know, baby don’t care. YOU want time in Spain. Ffs
You can have holidays in the same country that you live you know… Since you have a small child, it would be best to take care of him, instead of flying around in planes
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Probably yeah, but also less stressful would be to plan your exotic seaside resort vacation in two years, when the little spawn of satan is not prone to crying for reasons classified.
Honestly? You should.