Hello everyone!

I daily drive a Nobara install with my main drive being an LUKS encrypted M.2 drive. Every time I boot my computer I get presented with the password prompt to unlock the drive and afterwards get prompted with my login manager to login.

Is there any way to combine these steps into a single prompt? It is starting to get a bit annoying having two steps every time I boot.

  • zarenki@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I tried to do this a while ago with a GNOME system, setting GDM to automatically log me in, but I ended up always getting prompted for my password from gnome-keyring shortly after logging in which seemed to defeat the point. If you use GNOME, you might want to look at ArchWiki’s gnome-keyring page which describes a couple solutions to this problem (under the PAM section) which should be applicable on any systemd distro.