Out of the half a million troops killed I wonder how many were actually Russians? Doesn’t look like things are working out for them.
That number doesn’t mean KIA. That encompasses all casualties. So if you got arms and legs blown off and can no longer fight, you are lumped into that number. The KIA number is around 130-140k. Which is still a lot of people.
In context of the war, this number is more relevant. Dead or too injured to fight, fewer troops are fewer troops. It doesn’t really matter what percentage in that 466,150 number are still alive when it comes to Russia’s chances against the Ukrainian military.
Not disputing that. Just that OP labeled them all as killed. Any Russian sent home in a box or carried out on a litter is a win for democracy.
Russia has more to spend. Ukraine doesn’t which is becoming more and more apparent. Luckily that US bill was approved. But still there will need to be some immense luck and enginuity for Ukraine not to fall. Not to mention for Europe to stop this common delusion, come together and form a modern and strong army to step behind Ukraine with long term support. Probably with soldiers as well.
How is having more money going to put more people on the ground?
If you can expend more artillery, you can use less soldiers.
You can’t capture a city with artillery.
No, that’d be weird. You use artillery and soldiers.
The less soldiers you lose, the more you have left.
When you have better tech, you need fewer soldiers. It’s the same with artillery as it is with drones.
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I do kind of feel good when i see aggressor troops fall/perish . At least that soldier can’t kill anymore defenders, so it’s like a +X ukrainian lives lootdrop that pop’s out of them. I’m not happy a human is now dead, but I am happy that there is one soldier less in poot poot’s army killing other people in their home country.
Cough Vietnam, cough Falklands, sniffle gulf war.
Do you feel the same when it’s the “good guys” doing it?
Sure! Aggressors can fuck right off :)
If you loose an arm or a leg as a russian fighter, you are not gonna survive. Doubtful you will even be looked at twice. A wounded russian is a MIA russian. Russia is a cold place. Not just literally.
Here’s a great illustration of how many people Russia was willing to lose in ww2. I think that mindset is still alive and well today.
Russia apparently has a deep history of spending enormous numbers of lives for military victories. Unless something changed I wouldn’t rely on casualty numbers to indicate if they are close to breaking.