She killed a puppy for acting like a puppy and scaring birds during a hunt. It was 14 months old and sounds like it had zero training. So she takes it to a gravel pit and shoots it. A puppy. For being excited by birds. And it wasn’t trained how to behave around birds.
And then she writes on Twitter that her autobiography has more stories that will upset the press. She is actually psychotic.
Did I miss something? That was a shitty example to back up her angle that the dog was untrainable or whatever. The real “reason” was the puppy killed a bunch of the neighbor’s chickens. That is a fact, as in order of events. The motivation could be many other things, such as: not wanting the bad PR, trying to smooth things over with a neighbor, legitimate guilt/empathy/something for the neighbor losing their chickens as some families may be really attached to their chickens either emotionally and/or financially.
etc wow I don’t mind saying something that is unpopular but I very much do mind people thinking I’m defending animal cruelty or that I find it anything less than awful and heartless. I was questioning specifically what the comment said about killing a puppy FOR being a puppy. When I said the motivation could have been anything else, I meant she could have killed the puppy for any of those awful reasons too but I did not understand how killing chickens = being a puppy, which someone did kindly answer for me. Clearly I expressed myself very poorly.
Yeah im really sorry, I was not in any way shape or form anywhere near that woman’s side but that was not clear. Thank you for being decent to me despite what your impression may have been.
Where I’m from, most farmers with chickens would have shot the dog first. If your animal kills someone else’s livelihood, they are going to react poorly.
While its fucked to kill your own dog, this is a common reason to put down animals.
Putting down animals for misbehaving is fundamentally fucked and anyone who does it shouldn’t be allowed around animals - or as they say where you’re from - “While its fucked to kill your own kind, this is a common reason to put down animals.”
On the way home from the hunting trip, Noem writes that she stopped to talk to a family. Cricket got out of Noem’s truck and attacked and killed some of the family’s chickens, then bit the governor.
Also the purpose of a bird hunting dog is not to kill the birds but to help the hunter locate them, flush them out of their hideouts and retrieve them after they’ve been shot by the hunter.
If you think any of those things is a reason to lead a puppy to a gravel pit and shoot it, I sincerely hope you don’t ever have any dogs you are responsible for.
She killed a puppy for acting like a puppy and scaring birds during a hunt. It was 14 months old and sounds like it had zero training. So she takes it to a gravel pit and shoots it. A puppy. For being excited by birds. And it wasn’t trained how to behave around birds.
And then she writes on Twitter that her autobiography has more stories that will upset the press. She is actually psychotic.
Did I miss something? That was a shitty example to back up her angle that the dog was untrainable or whatever. The real “reason” was the puppy killed a bunch of the neighbor’s chickens. That is a fact, as in order of events. The motivation could be many other things, such as: not wanting the bad PR, trying to smooth things over with a neighbor, legitimate guilt/empathy/something for the neighbor losing their chickens as some families may be really attached to their chickens either emotionally and/or financially.etc wow I don’t mind saying something that is unpopular but I very much do mind people thinking I’m defending animal cruelty or that I find it anything less than awful and heartless. I was questioning specifically what the comment said about killing a puppy FOR being a puppy. When I said the motivation could have been anything else, I meant she could have killed the puppy for any of those awful reasons too but I did not understand how killing chickens = being a puppy, which someone did kindly answer for me. Clearly I expressed myself very poorly.
The thing is she wasn’t sad to have to do it. She said she “hated” the puppy.
Yeah im really sorry, I was not in any way shape or form anywhere near that woman’s side but that was not clear. Thank you for being decent to me despite what your impression may have been.
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Just to be clear…. On a bird hunting trip, the dog killed some birds… the wrong birds, but still birds. And that’s a reason to murder it?
Where I’m from, most farmers with chickens would have shot the dog first. If your animal kills someone else’s livelihood, they are going to react poorly.
While its fucked to kill your own dog, this is a common reason to put down animals.
Putting down animals for misbehaving is fundamentally fucked and anyone who does it shouldn’t be allowed around animals - or as they say where you’re from - “While its fucked to kill your own kind, this is a common reason to put down animals.”
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which also doesn’t feel justified…
My old boss’s retriever dog killed a chicken once. He told her ‘no!’ very sternly, and taught her not to do that. She never killed a chicken again.
At least try training the animal first, for fuck’s sake
Also the purpose of a bird hunting dog is not to kill the birds but to help the hunter locate them, flush them out of their hideouts and retrieve them after they’ve been shot by the hunter.
If you think any of those things is a reason to lead a puppy to a gravel pit and shoot it, I sincerely hope you don’t ever have any dogs you are responsible for.
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