I’m still struggling with remote desktop software and other alternatives such as sunshine. KDE connect input sharing is inconsistent on wayland, but they will probably fix that eventually. xwaylandvideobridge is great when it works, but currently has an issue with eating input invisibly. Also, some things just seem to be kinda wonky. For example screen sharing portal when sharing my screen in a browser seems to open twice. Same with obs. Still no good virtual keyboard. If onboard worked on wayland that would be perfect.
I’m still struggling with remote desktop software and other alternatives such as sunshine. KDE connect input sharing is inconsistent on wayland, but they will probably fix that eventually. xwaylandvideobridge is great when it works, but currently has an issue with eating input invisibly. Also, some things just seem to be kinda wonky. For example screen sharing portal when sharing my screen in a browser seems to open twice. Same with obs. Still no good virtual keyboard. If onboard worked on wayland that would be perfect.