On Tuesday, U.S. State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel refused to support the U.N. call for a probe into the mass graves in Gaza. Patel was questioned by journalist Said

Said Arikat: “More than 300 bodies have been found. The United Nations is asking or calling for an independent investigation. Would you support such an investigation for this

Vedant Patel: “Right now, Said, we are asking for more information".

Said Arikat: “Right.”

Vedant Patel: “That is where — that is squarely where we are leaving the conversation.”

Said Arikat: “Right.”

Vedant Patel: “I don’t have any details to match, confirm or offer as it relates to that. We’re aware of those reports, and we have asked the government of Israel for additional clarity and information. And that’s where I’m at.”

  • Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    These two options are only symptoms. The actual problem is systematic, a result of a FPTP electoral college, capitalism, basically non existent anti-corruption mechanisms, etc.

    Even if we scrape by and avoid the wannabe dictator this time, we’re just going to be in the same situation next time unless we fix these inherent problems.