Jesus fucking Christ…
Investigators said the boy used a chair to access the handgun which was “unsafely” and insecurely stored on top of a kitchen cabinet.
The kid was eight years old and he put the gun where parents unsuccessfully put the fucking cookie jar.
I try not to read articles like this because they just make me sick and I regret reading this one.
I generally try not to read them either. I have elementary age kids. Before I had kids I owned a handgun and would go to the range but when the kids came along the gun had to go. There’s no level of risk other than zero that’s acceptable to me in this regard.
Amen to that, the best risk mitigation is to remove the risk! Completely agree
Nichols was not permitted to own a firearm due to a previous drug-related conviction, according to police.
Sometimes I’m disappointed that being this much of a fucking idiot isn’t a crime.
Isn’t the point of the article that it is a crime now?
I mean on its own. Like, this guy has already shown he’s a fucking idiot, what can we do to keep society safe from him before he does something irresponsible and gets a child killed?
I’m all about storage laws. Damn near every gun law Democrats come up with is ineffective at best, backfires at worst. I could go on and on.
But I see no 2A violation, no chance of a court kicking it back, no arguments of any sort regarding storage laws when a minor is in the home.
It’s pretty difficult to write effective laws when conservatives fight tooth and nail against any legislation that tries to actually help people
The article links to the recently passed laws which address gun storage while minors are present:
Gun owners who live with minors who could access their firearms will now be required to store the firearm in a locked box or container or lock the firearm with a locking device that renders it inoperable by any individual other than the owner or an authorized user, according to the legislation
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