Anyone have any idea what might cause this sort of issue on PLA? I run into it frequently, but pretty much only when all of the following points are true:
- the print has multiple parts, so the extruder spends a decent amount of time off of any given part (only one part from this print is pictured)
- the affected part(s), like the picture above, have a relatively steep outward overhang, extending over the build plate
- the outward overhang part is relatively narrow, as seen from a top view
This is from a printer with a 4028 fan (i.e. pretty massive airflow, server type fan) so even the 35-45% (based on layer time) I have it currently set at is more than 100% with single/dual 5015’s or etc.
I guess my other option is to try supports, but this doesn’t really seem like a situation where supports should be needed. Anyone ever had a similar problem and solved it without just turning the speed waaaayyyyyy down?
I’m not sure I understand. What is it supposed to look like.
this looks like its warping from too much heat. you can try:
lowering temperatures, more cooling or slower printing
also is your bed leveled? sometimes this can happen because the extruder is too close on some points but not on others. from that angle it looks like its not warping evenly.
give us more details about your setup if you can, temps, printer type etc.
Based on your fans it’s more likely too much air + high initial temperature causing uneven cooling. I assume with those fans you’re trying to print really fast?
Well…fast by Ender/etc. standards lol but nowhere near pushing Ratrig performance envelopes here lol. Pretty much stock profile speed wise
It’s been a while since I’ve printed but I think both my sidewinder and voron do this. I don’t remember having it after switching to abs. Painted on supports and wider extrusions helped a ton if I remember correctly. Good luck!
From the brown blobs and warping, it’s printing way too hot, which youve probably done to compensate for an overabundance of cooling. Slow the fan, slow down, and lower the temperature.