I self host pretty much everything, but one of the services I find makes more sense to not self host is an email server.
I’ve got a few domains I’d like to have emails for, and usually I’d go for Tutanota or protonmail. But in this instance I’m looking for something dirt cheap. These domains are for a hobby club so I’m much less concerned with privacy like I usually would be. Anybody got any recommendations?
So far namecheap seems like my best option for under $8/month. They would bundle with my domain registration and I’m assuming having both on the same service would make things pretty seamless to set up.
Not crazy concerned with privacy for these particular accounts. Namecheap or similar is reputable enough.
Migadu micro tier is $19/year. Great service and has a great privacy policy. Basically unlimited domains. Ive been very happy with them.
I ended up going with migadu. Seems great so far. Already up and running with 3 domains and dozens of aliases.
Have you looked into Purely mail? This is what I use for my custom email needs. I don’t remember all the pros and cons, but the big one that scares most people off is it’s run by one guy. So if something happens to him, you’re potentially SOL. You could probably migrate to a new service, but could potentially be a huge pain.
Would be a pain, but you can’t beat the cost. For sending out email where you don’t care about retaining, it works VERY well.
If you use Namecheap for email domain(s) you may want to consider also splurging for their PremiumDNS to keep your domain(s) off spam blocks at other email providers.
I help maintain some emails at Gmail/Google Workspace but the domains themselves are at Namecheap. For a while there were complaints that some emails never landed in other people’s inboxes… this led me to talk about the issue with one of the email provider recipients based in the UK & apparently they were null routing anything coming from Namecheap since they felt a lot of spam came from them. But after some experimenting I figured out their system (& probably others) were figuring out they were Namecheap domains via the default FreeDNS they use. On a hunch I switched those domains over to PremiumDNS and after that all our emails were landing in other inboxes correctly. I guess maybe it makes sense, a typical spammer buying a cheap domain at Namecheap isn’t going to splurge for the higher end DNS service for it.
I’m not saying all email providers treat Namecheap domains as spam but just be warned there definitely ones out there that do.
Is it transactional emails, one-to-many, or like a message board where people get email notifications? I’m not sure I’ll have a good answer but I suspect that context would change some answers.
Forwarded mail but it may be two way in the future so it would probably be smart to just go that route from the beninging.
https://mxroute.com/ or https://www.fastmail.com/
I picked up a cheap lifetime account on mxroute a while back and have been pretty happy with it.
Zoho will give you 5 email addresses (users) for free with your own domain. You won’t be able to use IMAP or POP3, but it’s well worth it at 0.00
PurelyMail is popping too
https://mxroute.com/ currently offers “lifetime” with 10GB combined storage, unlimited mailboxes, unlimited domains, for $129. I bought it a year or so back, no complaints.
ionos.com is $1/month and you can use external domain names. That plan includes the cost of a domain name as well, so you can transfer the external domain over if you really like it.
IONOS don’t support 2048-bit DKIM keys though, which I consider to be a pretty hefty point against them.
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You van use Hetzner Webhosting for 100 mail boxes (with a new Domain) for about €25/y