Mike Huckabee jumped on the GQP bandwagon, warning of bloody violence if King Trump doesn’t get his way in 2024. “Do you know how political opponents to those in power are dealt with in…
It’s always these old fucking pricks whose hands would be shaking because they’re fucking ancient. He’s fucking nearly 70. He really thinks he has the reaction times as a 70 year old to deal with a guerilla warfare situation? Or is he just hoping everyone else is gonna do the fighting for him?
Jesus Christ I’m in my 40’s and I feel like a fucking shaky, woozy mess who could easily be taken down by someone half my age. It’s stupid as living fuck.
It’s always these old fucking pricks whose hands would be shaking because they’re fucking ancient. He’s fucking nearly 70. He really thinks he has the reaction times as a 70 year old to deal with a guerilla warfare situation? Or is he just hoping everyone else is gonna do the fighting for him?
Jesus Christ I’m in my 40’s and I feel like a fucking shaky, woozy mess who could easily be taken down by someone half my age. It’s stupid as living fuck.