I saw the trailer for “American society of magical Negroes” and it looked kinda funny in the first 20 seconds, then the trailer went on to show what I’m pretty sure was literally everything in the movie.
Are there any other trailers that made you lose all interest in seeing it because it showed literally everything?
Basically all trailers in the last ten years. They reveal so much you are just watching a cliff notes version of the movie.
Been a problem for a few decades tbh
80s and 90s were basically fine. Early 2000s weren’t to bad but it was starting to get ugly. After that it has just gotten stupid.
The worst is when you go see a comedy and the only funny parts were in the trailer.
“Oh that has funny jokes!”
“Oh… they were the only good jokes.”
Downsizing was a real bait and switch
As ridiculous as this movie was, I always thought that the trailer for Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace shouldn’t have shown Darth Maul’s double bladed lightsaber.
I saw Get Out without knowing anything about it. Very effective movie if you were expecting a romantic comedy like Meet the Parents, lol. If I’d seen a trailer I wouldn’t have been nearly as blindsided by the horror turn of events.
Oh yeah, it’s definitely a movie you should watch completely blind! I went in not knowing what to expect at all and felt delightfully unsettled throughout. I’m not sure how I somehow managed to avoid all the trailers 😂
Also, that couple second teaser before the trailer starts. Why do they do that shit now?
explosion TRAILER random shocked face BEGINS dog taking a piss outside next to stuntmen NOW
Yes guys that’s why I fucking clicked it, I know how the play button works you idiots!
They put the video as ads., If people didn’t skip it after that 2 second bit then the trailer continues.
I know! Drives me crazy.
For me it was Marvel Studios’ Civil War.
Leaking Spiderman’s appearance was too much. I don’t watch movie trailers at all anymore.
Hulk in Ragnarok. Why?
Yeah, that would have been so much more fun if it hadn’t been spoiled ahead of time.
Lincoln (2012). They totally gave away how it ends.
You mean how he goes to see that play?
The trailer for The Martian (2015) contained every plot point, including the finale.
Basically all mainstream ones since the 2000s. Nowadays I skip trailers entirely to not spoil the movies for me.
I mute trailers and just watch the first 20 seconds to see if the film’s atmosphere matches my current mood. Haven’t had a trailer spoil the film in years this way
Suicide Squad. 😢
The short episode summaries on Netflix that show before you watch an episode often spoiler the main plot or even the plot twist. I will never understand why they do that.
Everyone of them
I saw a version of the trailer for Split (2016) that revealed the plot twist. I was glad I already saw the movie, but my parents did not watch it because of that.
I saw a trailer for this which I’m pretty sure contained at least 75% of the movie. I never bothered to confirm that.