100,000 people are about to be really surprised about how unfun it is to watch a bunch of old people try to get the results off of a computerized voting system.
Oh there was an NPR episode about this last time and they had a hell of a fun time. They get a coffee, sit in their car, take notes and pass it on. Super important. Plus they sometimes get to harass people who are J walking and stuff. I know like 3 retired dudes living around me who would instantly feel honored to do it, and I live in a firmly blue state.
So many old dudes with nothing to do, is what I learned.
A legit poll watcher is designated by a campaign and needs proof of their appointment. They are supposed to be inside the polling place (or near it). Those people just sound like assholes
My point is those people were the people who couldn’t make it, or weren’t needed. I just would never bank on there not being enough old conservative people with nothing to do.
I can’t wait to get harassed by rednecks who will not have to answer to their redneck cop buddies when they step out of line.
As a Redneck I would like to request you dont associate my ilk with whitetrash dipshits. Seriously half the folks I hear people call Rednecks are simple whitetrash, especially the rich ones. Most Rednecks have better things to do than being the attack dogs of some politicians, we have nothing against being the attack dogs for unions but thats beyond the point.
Republicans are using poll watcher as code word for violent voter intimidation.
I was thinking, if these people were intimidating voters then the police might be called. Knowing the police, it might just make things worse.
It’s ok if you’re a republican
They won’t be the only ones watching.
They can recruit a million poll watchers, the problem is they don’t have the first idea what they’re looking at.
That’s actually my worry. They’ll see something “wrong” and harass the voter.
It has nothing to do with watching the polls. It’s all about voter intimidation.
RNC say they will recruit 100,000 poll
watchersgoons to intimidate voters.Republicans will never stop trying to steal elections.
2020 was a first attempt. 2024 they’re going full out with Russia’s support
What do you mean? They succeeded way back in 2000.
Watch for what? Voters who don’t look like GQP shills?
Great, sap more money out of that political party.
Poll watcher is typically a volunteer thing (unless I’ve been doing it wrong lol)
Oh haha, thanks. I’d no idea. Wow That’s nice of you to do such a high stress job for free.
Eh, it’s not actually that hard lol. It’s mainly chatting with voters (before they vote, since you can’t talk politics inside, that’s electioneering) and then the candidates or a party rep comes by and asks how many people voted so far, so I run in and ask the poll workers for “the numbers.” Then at the end of the day, you can stand around and watch them count. But the party cares less about that part now that we have a voting system with a paper trail. The folks inside, who do get paid, have the hard job.
Hats off to you all the same
Damn you really gotta wear full maga regalia and vote blue when nobody is looking your way
They are talking about strip club customers. Some how there’s a correlation with watching pole dancers.
But who will watch the watchers?