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Humane AI Pin: much-hyped gadget rocked by bad reviews
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The original was posted on /r/technology by /u/BubblyMcnutty on 2024-04-17 10:40:02.
Who exactly was hyped about this?
Personally, I typically want my interactions with technology to be quiet. I don’t want it talking, and I don’t want to be talking to it.
Not to mention the privacy implications of an always-on camera and microphone connected to the internet
Who exactly was hyped about this?
IDK Trekkies maybe? Except it’s shaped wrong, and beaming up doesn’t work.
If they manage that, maybe there’s a market. 😋I’d buy one. Unless beaming is a subscription, of course.
The whole thing required a subscription.
bluetooth enabled comm badges are already available and not that big of a success.
I could have told them this was a dumb idea from the start; creating something that doesn’t fill a need, is just another device to carry around and could just be an app on a phone that we already carry around, just to cram it down people’s throats “because AI,” is probably not a good business plan.
Because AI is the new because blockchain.
It got funded to the tune of $240m. Which was probably about as far as they thought this through.
Yeah, I can’t imagine they thought this would be a serious product.
… and require a subscription too!
Wow, I didn’t even realize that it requires a $24.99 per month plan from T-Mobile for voice, texting and data. These companies are getting really brazen.
If you add a strap to it, it will be smartwatch. So there’s a need and a niche, just not for one more way to do the same stuff
That’s not a bad idea, but why not just integrate that functionality into a smartwatch?
This is exactly what I meant: they’re selling a watch without a strap, and saying it’s something new
How are you going to sell that? It already exists, so it won’t draw venture capital that you can siphon off until the whole thing collapses.
This pretty well describes smart watches in my mind outside of those that need to keep track of certain vitals all of the time as well.
I used to feel the same, but they do fit a bit of a need for me. They work great as a silent alarm so you don’t wake up anyone else in your room, you don’t have to take your phone out to check time or notifications, and health and fitness tracking is better than what a phone can offer.
Business people see the word AI mentioned in the products: invest invest invest! Business people see AI products hit with honest tech reviews: thoSe PEAsants aRE RUIning ThE InnOVATIOn
Terrible products like this might end poisoning the well for genuinely useful AI projects further down the line. “AI” will loose it’s buzz and instead become synonymous with failure to consumers and investors alike.
Don’t get my hopes up
Just like Blockchain or NFT
“much hyped” lol I have seen not one person who was positively looking forward to this. I don’t really know why such dead in the water stupid idead even get any media attention at all.
Ummm… really? The technology is nowhere near the hype they are putting behind it. Just some AI snake oil salesmen. The next few years will be filled with “ai” e-waste as people use the buzzword to sell garbage.
nad, an cheap Android phone for less than $200 can do the job.
Good preview of most “AI” products being peddled by force