He’s gonna be Trump’s VP, isn’t he?
And just like that there’s a plausible scenario where The Undertaker comes out of nowhere and saves Democracy by choke-slamming them both through a podium.
I wouldn’t count on Taker for that, hes big on Trump, good ole Stone Cold might have a stunner or two left in him though
The past decade has shared too many similarities with a hell in the cell…
Republican Mayor Kane comes out, tombstones the undertaker and is declared the new secretary of state.
Oh my fucking God if that happens I will officially give up on this timeline
Idiocracy is a documentary smh
always has been
Oh shit. That might win it for him.
Idiocracy is a documentary smh
McMahon has not stayed in contact with WWE leaders, but has been in touch with John Cena and Dwayne Johnson, two of the wrestling outfit’s biggest success stories.
So that’s where The Rock’s the both sides / no Biden came from.
Makes a lot of sense. The Pebble is such spineless bitch.
Yeah that’s why I got pissed that the Rock was brought in to WrestleMania. How are you gonna fight off the stink of Vince McMahon, by bringing in one of his best friends and biggest stooges? The Rock doesn’t care that McMahon is a rapist, he’ll take a bullet for him
Ugh I expect this out of the Rock, had higher hopes for Cena though
Cena who openly apologised in Mandarin to the Chinese government for the crime of recognising Taiwan? That John Cena?
That’s definitely not cool but he still worked for Vince at the time so I gave him the benefit of the doubt of just doing what he was told for his job, again that doesn’t make it right but it’s still different. Because now he ain’t beholden to Vince or the WWE if he doesn’t want to be, both are choices and one could’ve potentially been by compulsion. When you do 300+ make a wishes and I give you one mulligan on possibly not being a piece of shit
You are looking too much in to it. The rock is extremely rich and those people tend to vote republican 99% of the time.
All he said was that hes can’t endorse him again like he did in 2020…
He said he had friends who support Biden and trump, but then clarified he had friends who vote Democrat, but none of them were really fans of Biden.
Which is valid. There’s not many people hyped to vote Biden because of Biden, they’re voting D despite Biden because trump is worse.
Which is an accurate representation across a lot of demographics.
People don’t really like Biden, which above all else is what makes him a bad candidate. Just like Hillary.
If Biden was a good candidate, it wouldn’t have taken him 40 years to win his first Presidential primary.
Vince McMahon is liquifying his assets recently, to the tune of like 1.5 billion. Everyone wondering why he needs that much cash, and I was thinking it’s probably for Trump, to either bail him out or get him reelected. Rapists stick together
Birds of a sexual-assaulting feather flock together.
VP announcement in 3-2-1… then when McMahon becomes President we reach full Idiocracy.
Never go full Idiocracy.
Too late
That dude’s head is way too small for his body.
Steroids don’t make your head bigger.
Yeah, that tracks. Shits of a feather and all that.
Scandal plagued? You should talk to Trump! If anyone can help you avoid scandal, it’s DJT.
You think they give each other handies? As bros, I mean.