Inb4 lemmy supports Iran
This is just more tankie bullshit. Russia and Iran have been getting buddy-buddy like crazy, especially right before the whole Hamas attack on Israel thing in fall last year. And of course, Iran feeds Hamas war materiel.
Russia is trying to make a war on multiple fronts to exhaust the US and make Biden unpopular while also running a campaign on social media to make Biden look bad and interfere with the 2024 election.
In other words, Russia REALLY wants Trump to win so they can end their expensive and punishing war in Ukraine and come out looking like they won something. Also, trump has made it clear that Israel would get free rein to “finish the problem.”
Yeah israel committing Genocide and bombing the Iranian consulate is actually Putins masterplan to make Trump win.
Libs reaching QAnon levels of cope. Vote for God Emperor Biden everyone! He was forced into supporting Genocide!
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Your reply has nothing relevant. “You are right Biden does Genocide but somehow this is Trumps fault and that’s all Putins masterplan”.
Just accept that there is no difference between the Republicunts and Genocrats. When both are supporting literal Genocide it must require severe mental gymnastics to keep believing in that fairy tale of American democracy.
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vigerously starts watching the Amazon Fallout series
I just finished the first episode. If nukes start flying before I finish the series, I will be very annoyed.
Me too! Pretty good episode. At least they had a good budget to replicate the world. It’s very promising…assuming we all survive.
I’m on episode 7.
You can do it! It will at least help if you become a Ghoul.
When a fictional series becomes a documentary.
I’m already at the 5th training video. Waiting to see if I get a certification at the end
I support Iran’s defensive actions against Israeli aggression. I hope Iran chooses military and intelligence targets instead of civilian ones, in compliance with international law, despite Israel targeting primarily civilians in their war of conquest.
You’re supporting widening the war. You’re supporting more suffering and death. There is no genocide against Iran. Iran is stirring up trouble, widening the war, involving more and more people. That’s bad
Israel intentionally caused this, not Iran.
Israel blew up a compound where the IRGC was training Hezbollah. Go look up who died in the attack, no one’s refuting that bit of data. Hezbollah’s been in open conflict with Israel for months now.
Are you really so naive to think that blowing up another country’s embassy on another country’s sovereign soil is all hunky dory because “muh terrorism”? Embassies are civilian objects. To not expect retaliation for such a thing is incredibly stupid. Israel knew what it was doing.
Iran intentionally caused all of this when they had Hamas attack in October. The whole point of Hamas starting shit was to derail peace talks between Israel and the Saudis. With one of the main focus areas being an official Palestinian state.
To say Iran ordered Hamas to attack on October 8th is to show how much of an ignoramus you are.
Russia and Iran met to coordinate weeks before the attack. Hamas then executed an attack plan they had been holding back on for 2 years.
It wasn’t a coincidence and acting like it was is idiotic. But you’re welcome to follow the crowd here and put your head in the sand.
They’ll go after nuclear facilities
Iran going to get its ass kicked.
Comedy gold right here. You couldn’t be more biased or more wrong if you tried.
I am biased against genocide, wars of conquest, and bombing civilians. You got me
Who’s committing genocide in Iran? Are they killing off Kurds again?
Who’s trying to conquer Iran?
Who’s bombing civilians in Iran?
And yet you support Iran bombing Israel.
Did Iran do any of those 3 in it’s retaliation strikes? No.
Right now Israel is doing all 3 of those however.
We have no idea what Iran was actually aiming at. So far they only managed to kill some people in Jordan and a Bedouin child in Israel.
Am Jordanian, nobody died here. I’m going to assume that the Bedouin child is also a lie.
Cut it out with the misinformation.
The US already said they were aiming for military targets, and nobody is reporting any deaths from these strikes that I have seen to date.
What we have seen is Israel commit genocide, a war of conquest, and bombing civilians.
But you support Hamas who openly want to kill every Jew in the middle east.
A more militarily active Iran is never a good thing.
Big influx of Hasbara bots here today
Ngl, I read Hasbro
The US House will vote on Israeli aid next week because of all this. Hopefully it’ll include Ukrainian and humanitarian aid.
Let me just say fuck anyone who targets civilians.
I’m glad Biden’s saber rattling, instead of attempting de-escalation when it was hand out on a silver platter was effective!
No one could have seen that coming though, obviously.
If you are trying to be sarcastic, I don’t think you succeeded.
And yet… Not two days ago I was here telling people that Biden’s saber rattling was fucking stupid and was met with “no it’s gonna be effective to stop Iran retaliating against an illegal attack on its embassy”.
Iran and Israel don’t answer to Biden.