PSA: if you own the crew, consider taking action.
I keep misreading that URL as “stockpiling games.”
deleted by creator
Huh? I always thought it was
Just submitted a complaint to the French DGCCRF
I’ve sunk hundreds of dollars into Rocksmith 2014 on ps4 to learn to play the bass.
The game, DLC songs, two guitars,as preamp, and cables.
I absolutely love it, and feel I am still getting better over time.
It so saddens me to know that one day Ubisoft will shit down the servers and a that investment will go to waste.
From everything I’ve read Rocksmith+, their subscription model new version, just sucks in comparison to 2014, and I hate that their answer to people wanting to play games they ready own is “Well, just play the new one”.
Loved farcry 2, 3, and 5, hated farcry 6.
While I’ll always be able to play 2 and 3 from disc on my PS3, 5 will one day crap out as well I’m sure.
Companies who take servers required for single player games offline should be required to either patch the game, or release the server source code.
I just tried playing Rocksmith 2014 the other day and the fucking thing wouldn’t even start. I tried applying a Beta patch to roll back to an earlier version: it started but wouldn’t recognize the realtone cable. I’m getting a bit old to spend so much time debugging a game I paid for (twice) just to get it to operate. and I am NOT buying Rocksmith+ because I shouldn’t fucking have to.
I’m a simple man. If a game is DRM free, I buy (looking at GOG). If a game is indie, I buy. If a game is an anti-cheat infested AAA “blockbuster”, I go sailing.
With MMO-like games and “live service” I understand that the value is in the “now” and that the game is worthless in the future. I loved Destiny once upon a time, but now I avoid all of them.
Laughs in
Class action lawsuit anyone?