Fuck’s sake.

  • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.worldOP
    11 months ago

    I’m Christian but I could not give the slightest shit about abortion. I worked for a gyne that performed them and saw the pathology reports all the time. It’s literally a little spongy hemorrhagic tissue they are removing. It’s such a nothing, and when you see the waiting room full of women you realize that EVERYONE across cultures and religions get abortions. I saw Mennonite women and women in full burqas out there, and Christian women praying on their knees.

    Have the procedure and get on with your life. Don’t let a few cells get in the way of your plans. It’s a decision between you and your doctor and nobody else.

    Incidentally I offered on Facebook to mail any American women the abortion pill, and Facebook immediately banned me for 30 days for selling illicit substances. I ended up being interviewed by Vice about it funnily enough.