I was editing my disk and when i wrote the changes and exited cfdisk
, no cli command worked. Thats when i realized that im f-ed up.
This what happened:
I have 3 partitions, 512M efi, a 100G root partition and some free (unallocated) space. I had 84G worth data in the root patition. I totally forgot that and shrinked the root partition to 32G to extend the free space. I was using cfdisk
tool for this. I wrote the changes and rebooted my machine, by long pressing power button coz no cli commands worked after writing those chrnges, to see this.
So is it possible to recover my machine now?
:_ )
Thanks to @[email protected].
just updates the partition table. So no worry about data damage . To fix this, live boot -> resize the partition back its original size -> fsck
that partition. For more explanation, refer @[email protected] comment
just restore the backup you made like reasonable people do
But the backup is on the hard drive. /s (but also not necessarily)
I always love working with partitions because of the knowledge it gives you, but it is also certainly dangerous and from time to time it is unnevitable to suffer an accident. In any case I always try to do this type of operations with parted and if possible with GUI (gparted).
Being in the photo situation, can’t you make a fsck as the error messages tell you?
fsck /dev/nvme0n1p2
If not, the most practical would be, IMHO, to boot from a rescue live, e.g. https://www.system-rescue.org/Download/ Once booted, you can lift the graphical interface with startx and do with gparted the operations you need on these partitions.
For sure.
fsck /dev/nvme0n1p2
:The existing file system appears to have been damaged possibly because cfdisk has not adjusted (shrinked) the existing file system before changing the partition settings. In my case, this kind of thing I only dare to do with gparted if partitions contain file systems with data.
I would try the second option I mentioned above, as my last chance: to start a live-rescue and look that allows us to gparted, but I am not very optimistic about it
You can try to revert your previous setup with : https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
This has saved so many files from my mistakes before.
Yes try this if you want to find your partition.
maybe not the best guide, but you can start doing partition recovery here
The most important thing you should do is never boot into that disk again until you have made a full backup image of it.
Looks like you messed up the partition table. Try scandisk, it may be able to find your partitions.
I’d boot on ArchISO, get all data I need to a external drive and install Arch from scratch, btw
So what should i do.
- Boot into arch iso
- Mount my disk and copy files
- And install arch
But i wonder if the mounting part will work. Coz of the mess ive made. I just have to try it ig.
I have shrunken a APFS partition (macOS) too much lately and was still able to mount it read only using Linux and back up all stuff I needed. But that depends on how corrupted this partition is now.
Maybe you need something like Gparted live ISO in order to get to your data. Check out the Command Line Utilities on that webpage, maybe there is the savior of your data
And about the arch installation, if you want easy mode, just type “archinstall” after ArchISO has booted and your PC is connected to the internet (phone connection via USB works to get internet connection)
I believe in you. Just have the ArchWiki open. It’s really going to be your friend if you’ve not compiled Arch from scratch before.