Unfortunately most of those jobs don’t pay a living wage, but a job’s a job I guess.
Driven by construction, which generally pays a living wage
Not in my state. They hire illegal immigrants to do all the work and pay shit.
When Trump stopped the asylum seekers from staying in the country while there case was heard (the apply on your side policy) and Biden kept the policy, all of the cheep construction workers disappeared. Why houses cost so much these days.
Even Fox is having a hard time making the case for a bad economy but they still try really hard.
Can we go back to adding tech jobs please, I’m scared
Hopefully the CHIPS Act helps with that. I know it’s boosted construction already, but once the new fabs are built they’ll need a larger support staff
Not happening anytime soon, we produced too many workers for the sector to support. We need funding for retraining programs. The nation is desperately low on skilled trades and those tech workers can learn electrical, plumbing, etc. with help.
Time to switch to AI jobs