It was no April Fool’s joke.
Harry Potter author-turned culture warrior J.K. Rowling kicked off the month with an 11-tweet social media thread in which she argued 10 transgender women were men — and dared Scottish police to arrest her.
Rowling’s intervention came as a controversial new Scottish government law, aimed at protecting minority groups from hate crimes, took effect. And it landed amid a fierce debate over both the legal status of transgender people in Scotland and over what actually constitutes a hate crime.
Already the law has generated far more international buzz than is normal for legislation passed by a small nation’s devolved parliament.
Because Joe talks like a normal person. He has bad takes sure but that’s for you to decide. I am sure if you talked on stream for as long as he has you will have some bad takes too.
It astonishs me that someone can have so many experts on their show, and remain so stupid.
It’s incentivized for him to remain that way, it’s what his audience gels with. I feel pretty confident that if you look at the episodes that get the most views, they’re gonna be the ones that have the most stupid controversial figures, political candidates, and higher tier celebrities, rather than any episodes where he talks to actual experts about what they know.
He talks like a regular person would… if you think he’s stupid then you are basically saying “regular people are stupid cuz I’m a big smarty smart pants look at me with my big smart brain”
Yes, the average person is an idiot.
Imagine shitting on people just because they are AvErAGe
Hurrrr I’m just a dumb average person who eats crayonss
If you’re eating crayons you’re way dumber than average.
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It looks like a failed attempt at ASCII art. It’s nothing. A blotch. A fail.
Are you on mobile?
Take the “L” and move on.
I did this on purpose tho. How is this an L
It looks like a smudge
Idiots pay $99M/year for that.
You have devalued money by only allowing fucktards to accumulate it without effort.