The distinctive scent which accompanies the first rain after a long warm dry spell.
The yellow organic oil that yields this scent.
For the Whovians:
Something something roman centurian something something
Seems like a shot from a Lars von Trier movie
Followed closely by huffing a vaporized ood.
Also a character on B. K. Vaughan’s “Saga”.
Literally translated as, “stone blood” and one of my favorite words.
The person who can turn petrichor into a manufacturable fragrance will be obscenely rich.
I once had a petrichor perfume
Amelia Pond?
This guy shows you how to make it using vinyl
Thanks for the vocab lesson, new word unlocked
Ok, I low key want this.
babe are you the chemistry of petrichor’s aroma? because you can definitely geosmin my irregular sesquiterpenoid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Almost every type of Streptomyces releases geosmin when they die. Now your butt can too.