The NCTA has repeatedly stated over the years that net neutrality rules aren’t needed because ISPs already follow net neutrality principles. “Internet service providers have always delivered open, unrestricted Internet service. Consumers enjoy the web content and applications of their choosing without any blocking, throttling, or interference,” the group said.
Lmao, really? The audacity of these cunts.
Wow. Talk about professional gaslighting. Not enough people are aware that the Obama-era FTC enacted the policy because AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon were all caught throttling Netflix and prioritizing their own competing services.
Thanks Obama
And tethering. Verizon was basically forced to stop blocking tethering apps by the FCC. My complaint was one of the ones which started the enforcement.
Oh good, if that is all true, you wont have to change anything to be compliant with new laws and should have no issue with them.
Money has no shame. Businesses only have reactionary shame in relation to possible loss of money.
It’s funny because wireless ISPs literally advertise that they throttle video to certain resolutions unless you buy a higher tier.
ROFL! Order today and you can get unlimited bandwidth for YouTube and Netflix specifically!
That’s incredible.
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The cable lobby loves to bring up rural areas but when we gave them millions to build out they just took the money, said fuck it and did jack shit. I’m beginning to think that they prefer to under serve those areas and then use that as a bargaining chip to get everything they want.
I am in New England. Looking to buy a home. The amount of area that is not covered at 100/10 is fucking criminal. Like, they upped my price this year. For what? Transferring packets didn’t get more expensive. Did you go e your employees raises? No? Are you expanding your infrastructure? No?
Like what the fuck.
Numerous places I’ve lived had contracts with Comcast so there was no option but them, and the speed is shit, maybe they needed to raise prices to pay for their forced monopolies.
I almost feel bad for rural people until I realize they’re the ones voting for the people who make sure rural people don’t get services. Redneck America wants to close the USPS for fuck sakes.
My parents live in butt fuck nowhere and are in a fiber co-op paying like $70/month for unlimited 1gbps up/down.
Meanwhile I live in the (extremely left) Capitol City of my state and pay Comcast $165/month for like 175mbps capped at 1TB, with some absurd overage fee like $10/5GB over until I hit $100 over and then it’s “unlimited” but seems throttled.
In Australia we watched American ISPs do exactly that and then we did the exact same thing with the exact same result because our politicians are corrupt pieces of shit with no backbone, integrity or ethics.
Comcast for decades have said on their website they support my parent’s address but they obviously do not since there are no cables on the poles for Internet. We’ve tried calling and asking to fix it and we’ve tried calling to just get someone out so we can prove they don’t service it but each time we scheduled an appointment nobody showed up and when calling back they would say they never set one up. So I’m pretty sure you’re correct.
So I’m pretty sure you’re correct.
I know they are correct:
“By the end of 2014, America will have been charged about $400 billion by the local phone incumbents, Verizon, AT&T and CenturyLink, for a fiber optic future that never showed up.”
TL;DR: they took billions from the government to build fiber infrastructure then said, “sorry that wasn’t enough. Give us more and we swear we’ll build it this time.” They just pocketed the money.
Eminent domain the final mile and be done with it. These companies have no business holding our national infrastructure hostage.
Fuck yes. Especially since the government already paid for infrastructure anyway.
Jessica Rosenworcel is a champ. She has been fighting this fight for years. The week Ajit Pai (Ashit Pie) ended net neutrality using falsified public comments, a group gathered in front of the FCC to protest the change. I went down there for a few hours and Jessica came to the window and waved to us.
Haha oh man it’s weird to see this mentioned so many years later.
I helped organize that protest. Thanks for coming down with us!
Thanks for organizing!
Revoke their corporate charter, nationalize their infrastructure, sell it to municipal ISPs.
Nah, just allow communities to build their local infrastructure. Trust me. You don’t need to threaten the status quo, just allow the market to compete.
Every town where local fiber is available, Comcast and Spectrum suddenly have cheaper and more reliable service. It’s magical.
I lived in Charlotte, NC when Google announced GFiber was coming. Instantly AT&T started running as much fiber as possible and Charter(spectrum) was trying to get people locked into cheaper 3 year contracts. Ultimately AT&T got fiber first so we went with them, and it was vastly better. Charter was getting 60% packet loss every night from oversold infrastructure they didn’t care to fix, as before the announcement the only competition was AT&T uverse in some parts of the city.
I mean yeah that’s what monopolies do. They eliminate competition by either buying it out or lowering their prices/improving service to drive them out of business so they can then raise prices again. Just cause a small company can come in and make things better while they’re able to be around doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go after these monopolies and cut them down so they can’t have this power.
Municipal broadband is not a small company though. It’s a cooperative owned by residents.
And in many states it’s actually illegal. Which makes no sense.
Probably companies like Comcast making sure there isn’t anything to disrupt their monopolies. Another reason to break them up so they can’t have that much power.
thats cool how money lets you just, reject consequences for years
Works even better if you dye your skin orange and poop your pants.
“heavy-handed regulation will not just hobble network investment and innovation, it will also seriously jeopardize our nation’s collective efforts to build and sustain reliable broadband in rural and unserved communities”
They said exactly the same thing when the first net neutrality laws were getting put in place, then after the laws went into effect the companies went on to invest record amounts in innovation and infrastructure. Funny how their words are completely meaningless.
“Innovation” just means ways to milk people these days .
Innovation is part of the executive buzzword bingo board for all announcements.
It doesn’t actually mean anything to these people. The only thing that has weight is what will enrich the wealth of the ownership class (shareholders.)
You mean like “innovating” faster connections speeds that they’ve been withholding from us for decades, but can suddenly flip a switch and advertise faster speeds when another provider competes with them? Yeah, I wouldn’t know anything about that… ;-)
Why can’t you just be decent people?
Can’t wait until my liberal city finishes our city owned isp. You can’t trust business to be in control of essential services
There was an academic paper put out a long time ago that basically argued for essential services like food, water, etc to be given non-profit status so corpo’s couldn’t do this sort of thing.
Eat the rich. Fucking cunts.
A threat like that should disqualify them from even trying to do it.
Fuck Ajit Pai. And fuck conservatives. They did this.
Not just conservatives but Trump.
You hear that, law school students? Job security! Because lawyers are the ones who really win in situations like this.
‘We know we’re the bad guys so we’re going to announce our intentions like a comic book villain…’
“And we also know that there’s nothing you can ever do about it.”
These people forget that they have to exist physically alongside us “citizens”. Your layers of obfuscation won’t save your reputation forever. Eventually people will be so tired of everything be stacked against us we’ll just riot and take from these corpos.