I’m loving it. I’ve played the whole series for years and I think it’s fantastic. Like, I understand that it’s more PC than SR2 and some take issue with that, but I feel like the hatred towards it has become a bandwagon. I personally like that it took a more grounded but still progressive position in its storytelling. I love a good friendship story. People keep saying it deviated from SR2, but I feel like those people miss that time more than they miss that game.
Regardless, having a blast. 30 hours in and counting. Yes, I waited til the Steam release lol.
lol. Is this an ad?
Nah, just honestly sick of all the hate I see for it and this is about my only social platform. Simple as that.
I agree my only gripe is the annoying ass multiplayer bugs. Some missions took us 5-6 tries to actually finish. Idgaf about the whole gender shit and tbh i didn’t even notice anything like that. I was going around shooting shit to even care.
Ah, multiplayer is something I rarely touch so I can’t have an informed opinion on that element. That sucks for you, tho.
The story and characters had too much of “how do you do fellow kids” vibe to it. Bugs and glitches killed the gameplay.
I doubt I would like it tbh but I’m happy you’re enjoying it. Don’t let anyone change your opinion. If you like it embrace it.
It’s not coop so it’s not saints row.
Edit: I was incorrect about that.
I’m playing it now and it’s fucking embarrassing. That’s not to say it’s not fun. There’s plenty of stuff to enjoy. But holy shit, the personality of the game is just embarrassing. I can’t possibly imagine this is anyone’s idea of cool or funny. It feels like they were trying to sell this to 9 year olds. It’s not just the fact that it’s sanitized (although that’s certainly a complaint), it’s also corny. The first few minutes has the characters enthusiastically planning karaoke and “mug-mosas.” I know the series had been moving in this general direction for a while, but I was really hoping that with the reboot, they’d pull back on the club kid/social media influencer type of personality.
I read everything you wrote there and couldn’t, for a moment, understand what your complaint is. You don’t like that the characters are planning karaoke? Is that it?
Sounds like he r serious Gamer™ and he only play serious game!
Or I could just be post-puberty.
I don’t like the characters, full stop. This is a pretty common complaint about the game. But if you found them to be entertaining, then bully for you.
Exactly this. I love the characters. I’m having a blast with them. Thank you for understanding that.
Not for everyone then. We get some and give some 🤠
I haven’t played it, I know I don’t like these kinds of games, so I just say, “Oh okay, not for me then.” Same with the other saints row games. Thought I’d find some interesting discourse on what people enjoy but found a rant about karaoke. Was weird.