I left a spool of eSun PLA+ beige in my Prusa MK4 with Prusa enclosure, which has sat idle since my last print about 6 weeks ago. The enclosure has a PTFE filament feed tube that runs the filament from the spool to the extruder.

Today I went to change the filament, and it broke apart in several pieces, right at the ends of the ptfe filament feed tube. The filament on the spool itself - within an inch of where it simply separated from the broken bits - I can fold over 180° tight without breaking it. Even the several ~1" lengths of broken bits are similarly ductile.

Ambient humidity is something like 15% (per my filament dryer) to 30% (per my dehumidifier, which is idle because it’s winter).

Any idea why this happened? I’m curious about maybe interactions with the PETG parts that the broken pieces were close to (that’s the only thing I can come up with, anyway).

  • Max@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    This is one reason I’m switching away from pla+ back to normal pla. The esun pla+ really seems to get brittle when held under stress. This is an issue with printed parts as well. I’ve had parts suddenly crack in half where they were stressed over a few months.

    Also it’s really annoying when little bits of filament get stuck in your filament guide tube :(

  • arc@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    I had the misfortune to have some PLA snap just before and after the direct drive in my Bambu P1S and it took ages to get it out. I think age and moisture can affect filament, especially it blended with wood dust, sparkles or something which undermines it even further. I’ve resorted to packing my AMS with silica beads to hopefully mitigate for the issue and I threw out the filament that caused the issue. Ironically this is one of the few places a bowden extruder is any benefit - if the filament snaps just push it from behind through a heated nozzle until the blockage clears.