The videos, which were published by IS’s news agency Amaq, showed the gunmen filming themselves as they hunted concertgoers through the lobby of the Crocus City Hall and fired at them from pointblank range, killing scores of people. At one point, one of the gunmen tells another to “kill them and have no mercy”.
Sorry, Vlad. Can’t pin it on Ukraine anymore.
Isis, right. The US is finally feeling the pressure of the world to support people of the middle east, and coincidentally, ISIS just so happens to come out of whatever hole they were in and mount a terrorist attack in Russia that kills civilians. I can’t make any claims because there is no clear proof, but at this point it still seems very sus to me
If the US were trying to stage a new terror attack to re-inflame Islamophobia, they surely would have picked a more sympathetic target than Russia.
And if we were trying to justify a war in the Middle East, they could’ve done better than claim the attack came from a bunch of guys from Afghanistan - you know, that country we occupied for twenty years and never truly controlled in any meaningful sense? Do you think the public would back a second invasion of Afghanistan, at great expense and cost of human life?
Russia is currently aligned with the Arab world. America is already Islamophobic enough to go on a crusade against Muslims in the holy land.
Russia is currently aligned with Iran. Which is last time I checked, pretty proud if not being Arabic.
Syria too though. The Russian military is in Syria at Assad’s request. The U.S. has been fighting a proxy war there with them for quite some time.
Not everything is about the US.
Good, let’s keep it that way