I’ve sunk 20 hours into it so far and it’s amazing. You people just have your expectations up the ass for a company that is great at one formula and expect them to do the other when they never said they would. It’s ya’lls fucking fault for expecting No Mans Sky to be the greatest fucking game of all time at release over a company that made fucking Joe Danger.
Cyberpunk 2077 I can understand more as it was made from the guys who made The Witcher 3, so feature wise I can understand the betrayal and they fucked up by lying to us. But it’s still ya’lls fault for expecting it to not be buggy and broken as fuck when it was delayed 3 fucking times. The red flags were there, and you STILL bought it.
Oblivion and Skyrim have the same basic formula with little differences sprinkled in here and there mechanics wise that make it feel different, but familiar. Starfield is the same way and I fully expect ES 6 to do the same. But that’s fine. I don’t want anything groundbreaking. I just want Skyrim but with modern graphics, animations, different setting, and some new mechanics.
This happens with every Bethesda release because they overhype their games and keep their PR vague enough that people can fill in the gaps any way they want to. They’ve been doing this since Morrowind. This review/user response controversy is nothing new and neither are the usual criticisms of Bethesda games half-assing everything from accessibility to writing to various gameplay elements.
And then instead of holding Bethesda accountable for their nonsense the fanboys like you go out and attack and blame other fans for it. Getting really sick of Bethesda fans shitting on anyone with criticism of their precious game company while whining about how toxic gaming culture is with zero self-awareness.
If you’re ok with Bethesda never innovating that’s fine, but stop trying yti shut down other people’s valid criticisms or acting like they’re stupid for expecting and wanting higher quality releases.
Overhype? Please give me an example of overhyping. That whole, “See that mountain? You can climb it” meme was legitimately true. And he actually said you can WALK to it. Misquote. So there’s one debunked.
And no, they really don’t keep their PR vague. They had a fucking 40 minute direct all about the game several months before release. How much more specific do people need it to be? Anyone who has ever played a Bethesda game knows what to expect. And even if you haven’t, it doesn’t take fucking rocket science to just analyze the game and figure out how it works by using your god damn ears and eyes when watching the direct/gameplay trailers. They’re not blatently lying like Hello Games did. They flat out showed the cutscene system when landing and taking off, and even Todd himself said there would be loading screens in several interviews.
neither are the usual criticisms of Bethesda games half-assing everything from accessibility to writing to various gameplay elements.
So the entire writing is half assed in Skyrim? Really? Even though it’s extremely memorable, the Dark Brotherhood questline is still considered among the greatest they’ve ever written, and Morrowinds story is considered GOAT to this day?
I can absolutely understand Fallout 4. That was a major step back and I do not like that games story. It was boring and generic, along with the dialogue. Fallout 3 was a bit better but not by much. But seriously? Every single Bethesda Game? As for gameplay elements you’ll have to be more specific.
Getting really sick of Bethesda fans shitting on anyone with criticism of their precious game company while whining about how toxic gaming culture is with zero self-awareness.
If you’re ok with Bethesda never innovating that’s fine, but stop trying yti shut down other people’s valid criticisms or acting like they’re stupid for expecting and wanting higher quality releases.
Bethesda has plenty of things in their games to critique. Nobody is denying that. I already critiqued earlier. And I don’t have a problem with criticism. My issue is when people critique a NEW game they haven’t even fucking played yet based off of things that existed before in previous games, or just a vertical video recording leak. And then better yet, playing the game and just scraping the barrel for the littlest shit, quirks, to call it “garbage” because it’s tradition and they want to feel validated and big. That’s not critique. That’s just being a fucking idiot.
If you don’t like Bethesda games, fine. I think the majority of people who are bitching anyway are just folks who don’t like them to begin with. Which makes even less sense as to WHY they feel the need to. Bottom line, you don’t got to like Starfield or any Bethesda game, but come up with some legitimate arguments first. And most importantly, JUST DON’T FUCKING PLAY IT.
Other than that, I fail to understand why people want to shit on Bethesda nowadays and act like the games are complete trash when they’ve won 4 game of the year awards already. So if you have any legitimate criticism, please feel free to add to it. Please explain why Bethesda is just a trashy company apparently.
Starfield…doesn’t suck though.
I’ve sunk 20 hours into it so far and it’s amazing. You people just have your expectations up the ass for a company that is great at one formula and expect them to do the other when they never said they would. It’s ya’lls fucking fault for expecting No Mans Sky to be the greatest fucking game of all time at release over a company that made fucking Joe Danger.
Cyberpunk 2077 I can understand more as it was made from the guys who made The Witcher 3, so feature wise I can understand the betrayal and they fucked up by lying to us. But it’s still ya’lls fault for expecting it to not be buggy and broken as fuck when it was delayed 3 fucking times. The red flags were there, and you STILL bought it.
Oblivion and Skyrim have the same basic formula with little differences sprinkled in here and there mechanics wise that make it feel different, but familiar. Starfield is the same way and I fully expect ES 6 to do the same. But that’s fine. I don’t want anything groundbreaking. I just want Skyrim but with modern graphics, animations, different setting, and some new mechanics.
Good god you people are negative.
This happens with every Bethesda release because they overhype their games and keep their PR vague enough that people can fill in the gaps any way they want to. They’ve been doing this since Morrowind. This review/user response controversy is nothing new and neither are the usual criticisms of Bethesda games half-assing everything from accessibility to writing to various gameplay elements.
And then instead of holding Bethesda accountable for their nonsense the fanboys like you go out and attack and blame other fans for it. Getting really sick of Bethesda fans shitting on anyone with criticism of their precious game company while whining about how toxic gaming culture is with zero self-awareness.
If you’re ok with Bethesda never innovating that’s fine, but stop trying yti shut down other people’s valid criticisms or acting like they’re stupid for expecting and wanting higher quality releases.
Overhype? Please give me an example of overhyping. That whole, “See that mountain? You can climb it” meme was legitimately true. And he actually said you can WALK to it. Misquote. So there’s one debunked.
And no, they really don’t keep their PR vague. They had a fucking 40 minute direct all about the game several months before release. How much more specific do people need it to be? Anyone who has ever played a Bethesda game knows what to expect. And even if you haven’t, it doesn’t take fucking rocket science to just analyze the game and figure out how it works by using your god damn ears and eyes when watching the direct/gameplay trailers. They’re not blatently lying like Hello Games did. They flat out showed the cutscene system when landing and taking off, and even Todd himself said there would be loading screens in several interviews.
So the entire writing is half assed in Skyrim? Really? Even though it’s extremely memorable, the Dark Brotherhood questline is still considered among the greatest they’ve ever written, and Morrowinds story is considered GOAT to this day?
I can absolutely understand Fallout 4. That was a major step back and I do not like that games story. It was boring and generic, along with the dialogue. Fallout 3 was a bit better but not by much. But seriously? Every single Bethesda Game? As for gameplay elements you’ll have to be more specific.
Bethesda has plenty of things in their games to critique. Nobody is denying that. I already critiqued earlier. And I don’t have a problem with criticism. My issue is when people critique a NEW game they haven’t even fucking played yet based off of things that existed before in previous games, or just a vertical video recording leak. And then better yet, playing the game and just scraping the barrel for the littlest shit, quirks, to call it “garbage” because it’s tradition and they want to feel validated and big. That’s not critique. That’s just being a fucking idiot.
If you don’t like Bethesda games, fine. I think the majority of people who are bitching anyway are just folks who don’t like them to begin with. Which makes even less sense as to WHY they feel the need to. Bottom line, you don’t got to like Starfield or any Bethesda game, but come up with some legitimate arguments first. And most importantly, JUST DON’T FUCKING PLAY IT.
Other than that, I fail to understand why people want to shit on Bethesda nowadays and act like the games are complete trash when they’ve won 4 game of the year awards already. So if you have any legitimate criticism, please feel free to add to it. Please explain why Bethesda is just a trashy company apparently.
Edit: That’s what I thought.
Eh? Point out at what point in my life I ever gave a shit about no man’s sky…
Did you reply to the wrong person or…?
Was replying to you, dude above, and everyone else.