Oh yeah dentists for sure. The dentist who removed my wisdom teeth was a total quack. He did it in two sessions, used novocaine even though I told him it didn’t work well on me, and actually crushed a tooth to get it out. And yes, I felt the pain of him crushing a tooth. We should have sued him.
This was when I was 19. I’m 46 now. A few months ago, I had a terrible pain back where my wisdom teeth were and it got worse and worse. I have some nerve issues, so scheduling a dentist is a big deal right now because I need to be totally out. So we scheduled it, but a few days later, a little sliver of tooth from the space where he crushed the wisdom tooth worked its way out and the pain stopped.
That’s a twofold issue. Original dentist for sure, but also, that sliver of tooth should have been picked up over the years in routine x-rays you should have had during routine exams, as well.
Oh yeah dentists for sure. The dentist who removed my wisdom teeth was a total quack. He did it in two sessions, used novocaine even though I told him it didn’t work well on me, and actually crushed a tooth to get it out. And yes, I felt the pain of him crushing a tooth. We should have sued him.
This was when I was 19. I’m 46 now. A few months ago, I had a terrible pain back where my wisdom teeth were and it got worse and worse. I have some nerve issues, so scheduling a dentist is a big deal right now because I need to be totally out. So we scheduled it, but a few days later, a little sliver of tooth from the space where he crushed the wisdom tooth worked its way out and the pain stopped.
That’s a twofold issue. Original dentist for sure, but also, that sliver of tooth should have been picked up over the years in routine x-rays you should have had during routine exams, as well.